Football Hero

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Ty was disappointed and didn’t think that anything mattered. Even though he got underwear and even an ax to cut wood with. His parents died, and he went to Mrs. Tides office and that was during gym class. It left a big hole in his heart and he only answers what he thinks the teacher has in mind. They had spring football today, the coach said they didn’t have spring football at your school. And he said that he lived in Tooley and He tried his best no matter what they said.

He knew that he could be the true football hero. They weren’t expecting him to live with them and they already had to deal with a teenager cholate. Uncle Gus liked to build he even made a bed for Ty to sleep on. When to do what they loved to do but uncle Gus and his Aunt asked where have you been, he said that I was at summer football. He got a gift from his Uncle Gus. He tried to help even if he couldn’t do anything for them, they did what they could to survive. Ty asked charlet if she could help him, she said ok and started to work, she said we have to clean all kinds of bathrooms, he said Yes.

Fy came by their house and Ty wondered what they wanted but uncle Gus said that he told them goodbye for him, and Ty always wants to see them. Ty helped couch going to a five-country café. He said that them not being able to see things is pretty nice for this family, he wondered what they are doing for a business dinner. Tiger is a football hero, and they even went to dinner for it.

Ty is very proud of his brother. He thought that it was fantasy football all the time. Uncle Gus started to gamble and Ty said that it is not right, football is the only thing that is right. He asked Ty if his brother would give him a small loan, I could make so much money for us when I gamble. He blamed him because he didn’t win and he told him is this why your fantasy football questions. Ty went deep when there are 15 seconds on the clock. They got a touchdown 5 seconds on the clock they are going to go for the two-point the score was 24/23 He fell but he was just watching the ball, he got off and he got the ball off of the defender off his shoulder pad and the made it. He was a hero! The game ended with a score of 25/24 They won. Fane is going to Atlanta to be safe so no one will hurt him before his game.

Ty went with them he had to sit in the middle of two cop type people, they were just going to the airport. He is going to take care of Ty he said that I will not make you brush your teeth but no parent like stuff. Football Hero that’s You! do all of the plays, the plays in the playbook and coach said I will show you them after school and Ty said I have to work. Ty was disappointed because his parents died, people at school make fun of him, he was very sad. Ty jumped out of the truck he wanted to see what was happening, Ty felt horrible for what he did on the way over, He met this guy walking to his job and he said that he had to walk all the way to the subway to use the bathroom, Ty said that I have to clean all of the bathrooms in town. Ty made many good friends like this man he made at work.

Uncle Gus didn’t like the person that Ty met at work or to even be friends but the man had to try to help them out. He loved to do all the things for football and for the work uncle Gus made him do just make him feel worse about the situation of his parents died in the car crash. He felt so bad for everyone that played football but he didn’t make a big scene that he was the best player on the team. He got all dressed up and combed his hair the way his aunt liked it because he was being drafted in the NFL for the New York Jet’s with a paycheck of 200,000 300,000 400,000 to even 500,000 dollars every time.

Tiger Lewis got there and they told him they hope he goes to the NY Jets. Ty said that I will play in college to do football. I think you should do what you want to do sometimes Uncle Gus said, and He said that I will always remember you, never forget you they said driving away. Fane was crying and Ty started crying too when he has seen his brother crying, they both started whipping their tears off of each other. Tiger got Ty some cleats and shoes with the money that he got for the NFL, they had got a suit for him and he went to dinner an hour after that. They didn’t know what they were doing they just knew that they were going to dinner.

Tiger went to the New York Jets, and he was so excited. He had to tell his brother that he would go to cash the check and they are going to a five-country café. He said that them not being able to see things is pretty nice for this family, he wondered what they are doing for a business dinner. Tiger is a football hero, and they even went to dinner for it. Ty is very proud of his brother. He thought that it was fantasy football all the time. Uncle Gus started to gamble and Ty said that it is not right, football is the only thing that is right. He asked Ty if his brother would give him a small loan, I could make so much money for us when I gamble. He blamed him because he didn’t win and he told him is this why your fantasy football questions.

Ty went deep when there are 15 seconds on the clock. They got a touchdown 5 seconds on the clock they are going to go for the two-points the score was 24/23 He fell but he was just watching the ball, he got off and he got the ball off of the defender off his shoulder pad and the made it. He was a hero! The game ended with a score of 25/24 They won. Fane is going to Atlanta to be safe so no one will hurt him before his game. Ty went with them he had to sit in the middle of two cop type people, they were just going to the airport. He is going to take care of Ty he said that I will not make you brush your teeth but no parent like stuff. Football Hero that’s You!

Cite this paper

Football Hero. (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/football-hero/



What happens in football hero?
In football hero, two young men compete for a spot on a college football team. One is a talented but unproven player, while the other is a former star who has fallen on hard times.
What is the setting of football hero?
The setting of football hero is a high school football team. The team is made up of players who are all trying to improve their game and make it to the college level.
What is the theme of football hero?
The theme of football hero is about a young man who overcomes all odds to become a professional football player. It is a story of courage, determination, and perseverance.
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