Ethical Food Industry Practices

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Wendy’s 4 for $4, Subway’s $5 foot long, the dollar menu at McDonald’s, appetizing and delicious right but does it justify the rights of your health. According to FDA, ¨As of January 27, 2016, the CDC reports a total of 55 people infected with the outbreak strain of STEC (Shiga toxin producing E. coli) O26 from a total of 11 states in the larger outbreak¨. This incident presumes consequences from unethical practices. I strongly believe that ethical food practices should be adapted. It is my opinion that without a doubt, ethical food industry practices should be improved. In 1982 in the USA, the first case of throng food tampering came abrupt, four people died after swallowing the pain-relief drug Tylenol, laced with cyanide, no blackmail involved and no one was arrested or came forward. Born in the 1980s, product tampering is random mass poisoning and the deliberate poisoning of the food and drugs in order to blackmail. Poisoning food is prohibited, dependency on pre-packaged and hygienic food has made mass food poisoning imaginable.

Clearly, food and product tampering is an unethical practice and breaks all the taboos about what is natural and good. Without a doubt, ethical food industry practices should be improved. Animals of several kinds are killed in the process of meal preparation including shrimp, lobster, crab, frogs, snakes, monkeys, sea-urchin, insects, oysters, molluscs, and fish. Some boiled alive, skinned viable, cleaved conscious, devoured rife, sauteed alive, and heated viable. Compare oneself to an animal devoured and sauteed conscious is ghastly, why should one settle to encouraging it. Inhumane demeanors to food preparation embolden and bolster inhumane mindsets in human activity. Is any of these practices ethical to an apprehensive human being. A single strawberry flavor of ice cream could possibly contain as many as 55 different additives. In all, 2,800 substances are intentionally added to food in the USA.

Substantially additives are added to our food for reasons that people should be aware of. For example, sodium phosphate, it’s an additive that is used to keep meats moist and tender during storage. Meat with additives to keep it chemically fresh is unethical. Of course, others have a different perspective regarding ethical food industry practices should not be adapted and should stay constant. For example, others feel that no one would ever do anything to our products and food, or that food tampering incidents are falsely accused. In 1972, FDA conducted 50,000 safety inspections; In 2006, FDA conducted 9,136 safety inspections. .Product tampering is deliberate poisoning of food and drugs as a gizmo in commercial blackmail sounds like product tampering is on purpose. Another reason others have a different perspective is that citizens reaffirm that procedures are traditional methods of food preparation and that there is no evidence to prove that skinning conscious animals cause undue pain. Inhumane food preparation is another name for cruelty to animals in cooking practices.

According to scientists from UIA they counter-argue that food additives are unethical, “ Food additives serve the interests of both the consumer and the producer of foodstuffs since they inhibit the spoilage of food, thus reducing the losses and enabling greater production at a lower cost.” Toxic food additives can have fatal or nonfatal side effects, consider this while eating chicken nuggets that have been stored for who knows how long. In conclusion, I strongly believe that ethical food practices should be adapted. In fifty years, what will the food industry be like? You will be able to tell if in the past fifty years there have been ethical food industry practices. Obesity and many health problems visible to your local citizens will answer your question. 1 in 3 Americans born after 2000 will contract early onset diabetes.Children dying off due to product tampering is not a world you want future generations to live through. Without a doubt, ethical food industry practices should be improved.

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Ethical Food Industry Practices. (2022, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ethical-food-industry-practices/

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