Essay on Two Kinds and A&P

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The Two Kinds story describes a family; and opposite side, the A & P story about a grocery store document. According to the two stories, it is focused by some different characters. Jing-mei Woo (June) and Sammy (A store clerk) they are both main character in these two stories. These two stories word the different point of view two characters. At the early (teen) age, the real life doesn’t match what actually think and want. Real life goes to difference way instead of dreaming way. Most of the teen/young people start their life without prejudgment or good planning. In here, talking about main character Sammy, He is an A&P store clerk. He gets trouble at work place during his duty by community environment. Another story’s main character girl’s name is Jing-Mei. She gets pressured to reach high ambition in every step by her mother. If look towards these stories, the two different characters are very different lives each other, and another thing basically enforced by socially/humanity.

In these two stories, there are some differences between their experiences. For example, Sammy is a very young store clerk; the A & P store is his first job in his life. It is his first job, he is also very young kids, and his poor (Zero) experiences are conflict with general workings of society. His attitude and nature focus out of society role. For his age, he does not handle/control the happening situations, and he feels very bad when the three girls embarrassed by store manager. The store manager Lengel tries to maintain the store rule, but Sammy does not want follow the store rule. That is why he is not happy with Lengel’s behavior and decision. He tries to speak up against the store’s rule and even against the store manager’s decisions. Finally he quits the job without any planning.

According to William Stafford, ”Man [In Updike’s World] either finds his true freedom in knowing himself to be the creature of his creator called to the upright life or else destroy himself by serving idols of his own creations” (PP.569) By quitting job he tries to express his true early age feelings. On the other hand, Jing-mei is a younger Asian American girl. She is only one child from his parents. Her life and every stepping moment are forced by her mother. Her mother strongly tries to make her as an American famous person. In these two stories, the contrasting are differing experiences.

So, the two stories are saying the two main characters have been guided by their social environment. It is pressured by someone else but reality can’t change their movement. According to Tony, “short story about white culture and Sexual dissensus: the fictions of Edmund White.”(PP.293-316)In this story, writer is trying to say how affect the different cultural and different environment in our daily life. He is also trying explain about different kinds American white cultural how affecting into human being.

Two Kinds and A & P short stories settings are described at home and another one at a grocery store. In these stories, the attitudes in the stories are different character conflict. In the Two Kinds short story, there is a conflict between parent and daughter. In the other story, there is a conflict between Sammy (Clerk) and Lengel (Manager). Amy Tan is an American Chinese immigrant Novelist that wrote. The story is about a Chinese immigrant mother and daughter that have problems with each other. It is really difficult for June to be successful what her mother wants in the Two Kinds story. According to these stories, there are similar character at their age.

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Essay on Two Kinds and A&P. (2022, Oct 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/essay-on-two-kinds-and-ap/

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