Don’t you hate having two heads? That is the name of this short novel under the genre of Crime and fiction. The short novel is written by the author Christine Poulson, and It’s a modern crime story. Christine Poulson is a British art historian and crime novel author and is well known for her detective Cassandra James. It has a unique way of getting the attention of the reader because until the last page, it seems like a weird everyday story of a random person. It teases a very mysterious crime, about someone who cutthroats with a cheese string. But It’s only subtly hinted through a newspaper headline, and after that, it has been put back, behind the main story and the person which we are following. First in the end of the story, are the crime brought up again, in a horrifying way, so that the reader is very surprised, that it was in our face all along.
“Don’t you hate having two heads” Starts off with Richard in Venice. He is in this art museum and sees this beautiful woman. He then calmly removed his wedding ring, from his finger, and then approaches her, to have a small conversation with her, before she goes on. He then sees her leave, and follows her, from a couple of meters away. She then proceeds to go inside a café, and Richard quickly sits to the opposite side of the table. Jessica talked about a murder in the Italian newspaper, and other things like the art, at the museum. At some point, Richard went to the restroom, at the café, because he got dizzy. He then chose the go home, because of his guilt towards his wife. When his wife arrives to Venice, Richard then found out, that Jessica might have been the murderer from the newspapers.