Documentary Eyes of the Prize Analysis Review

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The documented film Eyes on the Prize captures the history that occurred in the 1950s and 1960s of the Civil Rights Movement in America. The film starts off in 1955 where they tell the story of the death of Emmett Till, who went to visit family Chicago. However, the environment between black and white people was different in Chicago, he didn’t acknowledge that talking flirtatiously with a white woman in at a store would lead him to be killed. Also, in 1955 The Rosa Parks Movement began, black people were beginning to boycott against the bus industries. This was successful because of Martin Luther King Jr, was an important aspect of this movement and giving speeches to the people which kept the movement going. After the boycotting, sit-ins became to form among college students in dine-in coffee shops that only served white individuals. At first, sit-ins were a start to a peaceful protest that black students will be sitting in spots that were not reserved for them which started forming fights.

Although college students were arrested, they felt joy being able to do something as a youth community that their parents couldn’t at that time. Life living in America as an African America during the Civil Rights Movement was tough because they never gave up fighting for their rights of equality until they were truly free of inequality. The fight was exhausting but they still came together peacefully until they were herd. For example, boycotting and no longer shopping in downtown stores. To let the economy and the higher-ups know they won’t support businesses until they were equal. What struck me while watching the film was the theme song which says “I know the one thing we did right was the day we started to fight to keep your eyes on the prize hold on. hold on.” This verse alone speaks for itself; it speaks value about how African Americans fought hard for what is right and not looking back on their decision they held on to their truth.

I will say the 1960s and our current time we are living in are different but similar in some ways in the situations we face. For instance, schools are more diverse and African Americans can vote. Whereas nowadays African Americans still must fight for their freedom by protesting and letting officials know that their skin color isn’t a crime. For example, President Trump informs officials that if they were to pull over a black individual to hit them beside the head until he or she can’t resistant.

This is a red flag coming from the President someone who is supposed to lead our country. Despite this, we have more dead rates in America due to criminal acts of violence because of police brutality. This is all because of the assumption that African Americans are criminals, so they use their power to belittle our black community. It is horrible to know that racism is still a problem today, based on the color of our skin. As a nation, we would be stronger united together if we weren’t so focused on race relations today. Sure, the color of our skin may be different but on the inside were still human and we should treat everyone with respect.


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Documentary Eyes of the Prize Analysis Review. (2020, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/documentary-eyes-of-the-prize-analysis/



Is eyes on the prize a movie?
No, Eyes on the Prize is not a movie. It is a documentary television series about the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
What period does eyes on the prize cover?
Eyes on the Prize covers the period from 1954 to 1965.
What was the purpose of eyes on the prize?
The purpose of Eyes on the Prize was to document the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.
Who wrote Eyes on the Prize documentary?
The board of directors and the CEO are typically responsible for determining the financial performance of an organization.
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