Christopher Columbus and His Journey

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Christopher Columbus. One of the many great people to make history. He was born in 1451 in what is now modern Italy He was very famous for going to sea and “Discovering America”. In one of his documents it says that he went to sea as early as age 10. Three years later than that, he began an apprenticeship as a business agent. Columbus was not a scholarly man but he did study books. He was also was interested in the Bible and prophecies. Columbus traded and wanted to find a new way other than “The Silk Road”. So in 1492 he set out with 3 ships ( The Nina, The Pinta, and The Santa Maria.). He intended to reach Asia but problems. His crew would be proud to end up in Asia and continue the journey as planned.

Columbus would have been a great leader if only his calculations were correct. I would probably also tell Columbus about how he should be more respectful to places you haven’t explored. He should have probably been nicer to the Indians and shouldn’t have barged in and decided to explore the lands. Yes it was a discovery but at least try to be nicer about it.After his first journey, he ventured back to get help. Columbus went on three voyages total to the new world.

In 1500 Columbus was arrested and sent back to Spain in chains after his third voyage in the new world. He had many reports of men rebelling, getting sick, ending up in jail, or even dead (Bader, page 104). “Christopher Columbus did not find gold; instead he found a whole new world” (Bader, page 103). Even though he technically didn’t discover it, he still brought the attention to the new world. Columbus later died in 1506 in Spain.

Christopher Columbus takes the achievement of discovering America. This may not be true, history states that Vikings (European) was the first on American soil. Their leader was none other than Leif Eriksson (Klein, par. 1-2). Even though Columbus never intended to get to America, thats where he ended up. Some may say that he forgot to double check his work, others just think he failed miserably (McCormick, par. 9). He underestimated the travel time/distance, this made his crew aggravated. The distance from Portugal to Asia is about 2,400 miles, Portugal to North America is about 10,000 miles (Berne, par. 8). That’s a long way to be off if you calculated it. My advice to Mr.Columbus is to go back and get an education, take history class, and maybe pay attention to geographic configurations, maybe a math class would be useful also. When in doubt and you don’t know what to do, look back in history to maybe find a clue. Those are words Columbus should have lived by.

“Today, Columbus has a controversial legacy—he is remembered as a daring and path-breaking explorer who transformed the New World, yet his actions also unleashed changes that would eventually devastate the native populations he and his fellow explorers encountered.” (Klein, par.1-2) He did lead his people to the then what they thought discovery of america (Even though Eriksson was one of the first).

Without Columbus most likely we would not be here in America today. But then also it was selfish of them to invade the lands. The Native Americans had no clue that their land would be forever changed. The most controversial subtopic of Columbus’s journey is if he was a good leader or not. He did lead to the exploration of America but he did kinda invade Native Americans lands. When Columbus came to America, he called those people “Indians”. He thought he was in India or a surrounding area. Even though he technically assumed where he was and was way off, the name Indians has stuck around ever since to describe Native Americans.

The pros of Columbus’s journey would be that he got awards for his discovery. Even though he isn’t physically alive anymore many people still have an award named after him. If I could go back in time I would wonder what would happen, what would change. Maybe he wouldn’t get as much credit and would only be acknowledged as the first person from Italy to end up in America. He could have been named the worst sailor since he never got to his expected endpoint. Columbus wasn’t on good terms with his crew at certain points in his journey. Maybe his crew would take over the boats and eventually turn around. The crew would think he’s tricking them. They could also think that Columbus is selling them to the vikings as slaves. There are endless possibilities in history and it is hard to tell what would happen. A lot of the possibilities lead to bad endings. If he went back and took lessons for reading maps he wouldn’t have these


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Christopher Columbus and His Journey. (2021, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/christopher-columbus-and-his-journey/



What was Christopher Columbus main journey?
Christopher Columbus's main journey was to sail to the Indies and find a route to the East. He sailed west instead of east and landed in the Bahamas.
What was Christopher Columbus most famous voyage?
Columbus' most famous voyage was his first, when he sailed from Spain in 1492 in search of a westward route to Asia.
Where did Christopher Columbus start and end his journey?
Christopher Columbus started his journey in Spain and ended it in the Americas.
Where did Columbus go on his first journey?
Toby symbolizes companionship and support for Christopher. He is always there for Christopher, even when no one else is, and he provides a much needed sense of stability in Christopher's life.
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