Christmas Traditions in Guatemala

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Tamales, fruit punch and meat are all the meals we eat on Christmas night always choose a house where we asears the Christmas every year we have to celebrate at our relatives’ house but this year we play in our house. But in this time of the year I feel very sad because I do not have my family, it’s just me and mom and my stepfather’s family, but the Christmas is happyThe festivities of December 24 and 25 in Guatemala are very significant, they are dates full of culture, tradition and mainly of coexistence and family unity.

From the beginning of December the families gather for the preparations of these festivities, the elaboration of the Christmas tree, the construction of births and to receive the traditional inns.

Although the decoration has aspects similar to those used worldwide, in our country they are a little different, such as the use of long chamomile ties, the use of moss, cockerels, traditional chichitas, pacaya leaves, pine , among other natural ornaments, the traditional Easter and the births are decorated with sawdust of different colors.

In Guatemala, the tradition of births is maintained. There are many homes that make real works of art, in commemoration of the birth of Jesus, a tradition that originated in Europe. The births have reflected better than any other artistic expression, the ideas, feelings and degree of religious culture of Guatemalans.

Where does this elaboration come from? It gained importance in the 18th century when Carlos Tercero, who had been King of Naples, Italy, governed in Spain, where births are spectacular. The nationalization of this tradition stands out because the Guatemalan birth is made to show devotion to the figure of the Child Jesus. Exchange of gifts

The gift exchange is common in Guatemalan workplaces and homes during the month of December, the peculiar activity is performed with a dynamic that is known as ‘The secret friend.’

The celebration of Christmas in our family is talk eat and having a good time later at midnight on the 24th we opened the gifts and we have a tradition that when we open the gifts we have to put the children Jesus in his crib. We also do not sleep on December 24 we sleep on the 25th as wings 4 in the morning and the small children if they have toys you use them and the teenagers their electronics and everyone having fun

My favorite memory from Christmas is; It is the memory of the people you love and loves you and my favorite memory is when my cousins and I used fireworks and we all give us a hug and thank God for everything that we have done in this life and then we have a career in sacks and the other thing is to climb a tree and climb to lower a field that first the low has the opportunity to throw all the children in our family to the pool with all due respect and then go with the neighbors to play in their houses or the street of our neighborhood and we have rice with milk is a drink that has cinnamon milk rice cooked and ready all that are my memories when I lived in Guatemala here I have neither a tradition nor memories.

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Christmas Traditions in Guatemala. (2022, Mar 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/christmas-traditions-in-guatemala/

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