Benefits and Black Side of Organic Food

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According to a proverb, “Your happiness is the reflection of your health” which means to lead a happy life everyone need to be healthy first. The majority of people around the entire world want to lead a happy life with healthy lifestyle, but most of them spend their whole life to reach this goal. Among all the basic needs food is the most important. Without food none can live. In past decades, the main concern of a person is to provide the food for him/ herself and his/her family.

But in the present day, the concern is increasing about what food is best to maintain healthy lifestyle. The author Steven Shapin who is not only a successful writer but also teacher of Harvard University wrote an essay titled “What are you buying when you buy organic?” which is originally published in 2006 in the New Yorker with the title “Paradise Sold”. In his writing, he tries to combine the act of eating food with how the food should have been bred, raised, and fed before it was killed and eventually ended up on a consumer’s plate.

The main argument of his writing is how organic products have been changes day by day. Though it means that it is produced by organic way, it does not mean same as the one’s from local farm. He also argued about the issue that though the product might be organic, the procedure and others is not eventually. Farmers do not plant seeds by hand manually; its done by tractors and a lot of those tractors use bio-diesel which harms the atmosphere and isn’t good at all. By eating organic food, people can lead a healthy lifestyle; however, everything in the world has pros and cons in almost every situation. Organic foods are believed as safer for health than the conventional foods because of avoiding various kind of preservatives, poisonous chemical, nutrients, and other external ingredients that may create harm in the body.

The word “Organic” refers to the process of certain food production. Organic foods have been grown or farmed manually without using artificial chemical, hormones, antibiotic or genetically modified organisms. In order to be labelled as organic, a food product must be free from artificial food additives. There are a huge beneficial side to eat organic food because of their style to grown. The organic foods are usually produced in small local farm with more care and aware. The natural soil is used to plant. To get rid of the weeds naturally without spraying, farmers use beneficially insects and birds to avoid the pests and diseases. These types of food which is naturally farmed, prevents the diseases and adds hormones in human body.

The animal origin organic foods like meats, dairy products which is related to animal are mostly free range, or they may roam outdoors. The frees range animals eat also organic and they can not get any form of steroids when they are growing. As a result, people can not be affected by any of those hormones when they eat. For example, many people consume beef as a common food in daily meal. The free range raised cow produce organic milk which is free from hormones; as well as, from free range raised chicken people can get organic meats and eggs. To certify those food, there are various type of agencies who maintain regular inspections of those food from growing to packet.

Another important benefit of eating organic food is that has preserved healthy minerals like iron, zinc which is very important to keep your health fitted. Those minerals maintain people’s heath by providing significant benefits. For example, the minerals inside of organic food not only have demonstrated a decrease in the heart diseases rate but also prevent the risk of affecting cancer. Moreover, by eating organic foods, people can maintain the perfect weight or reach the weight loss goals. On the other side, other conventional foods in market have high preservatives to keep freshness.

Most of those foods are made by hydrogenated oils and trans-fat which is hard to digest in human body. Besides, those trans-fat are creating many health problems like obesity and the toxic chemical which is used to reduce pests and disease in farming can increase carvings which causes water retention, and it also cause people to gain extra weight which is very harmful for human body. Organic foods do not have those kinds of poisonous elements even high fructose syrup which contributes the weight gain.

Besides, to keep environment healthy, making habit to eat organic food is the best choice. The procedure to farm organic foods are much safer for keep environment neat and clean. To maintain a heathy life, environments needs to be clean and safe. Farming organic products decrease the amount of pesticides and toxic chemical that keeps the water clean. Because by drinking water with poisonous element may increase the risk of numerous diseases including cancer, developmental and neurological diseases, reproductive impairment to the infants and growing children in future. Nevertheless, the soil which is used to produce conventional food has many dangerous pesticides. So, when anyone eat those foods, they also eat those staff nurturing with food which can ruin his/her body in long run.

Moreover, chemicals and pesticides are harmful for both human body and surrounding environment. Although those chemicals are used to maintain the shelf life of those foods and protect them from diseases, these substances badly pollute the environmental source such as air, water and soil. According to the researcher Mehpare Tokay Argan, “The organic farming that has emerged at this point is a method of agricultural production that does not upset the balance of nature, does not cause pollution, and does not have harmful effects on human and other living creatures and which aims to produce clean and certified products whose production process is controlled from the beginning up to point of consumption (121).

On the other hand, as stated as the following article, “What are you buying when you buy organic” by Steven Shapin, described a particular organic farming business to clarify the main idea about organic food. Just because of the labelled as “Organic” is not meant that it is healthy. Some of these foods are still processed with high calories and fats. For example, soda, ice cream. Whatever organic process is used to make those is still not that much healthy. In spite of being heathy if anyone eats those foods, he/she still choses unhealthy lifestyle. Though organic products will often have the label that the ingredients are all natural- for example, it is made by raw cane sugar instead of plain sugar is still sugar.

Another argue about organic food is about the high cost because most of the case, organic foods may cost more than conventional food, but the main argue is about its worthiness. Because of high costing of organic food products, the benefits for those individually is high expense in long run future. “Overall satisfaction of consumers for organic food is more than inorganic food but the satisfaction level varies due to different factors” (Paul, J., & Rana, J. ,2012). Organic producers are now act like other business leaders who want to make more money spending low cost of goods. Something is really mean organic is so far as like dream nowadays.

To sum up, as other things, organic foods have also a black side; however, it is better for human body because of healthy nutrition and minerals. But it is not worthy in market strategy. If people are mostly consuming organic foods, they may economically develop faster than other. This is mainly because people can make them free from the burden of high health costs incurred in curing eating disorder diseases such as obesity, cancer, and diabetes among others and have healthy people in the country.


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Benefits and Black Side of Organic Food. (2021, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/benefits-and-black-side-of-organic-food/



Is there any benefit to organic food?
There is some benefit to organic food in that it is generally lower in pesticides. However, it is often more expensive than non-organic food.
What are 3 advantages of organic foods?
Organic foods are grown without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers, and they do not contain genetically modified organisms. Organic foods are also often grown using sustainable methods, such as crop rotation and cover crops, which can improve soil health.
What are the positives and negatives of organic foods?
The positives of organic foods are that they are free of pesticides and chemicals, and they are often more nutritious than non-organic foods. The negatives of organic foods are that they can be more expensive, and they may not be as widely available as non-organic foods.
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