Appeal Letter

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Members of the Admissions Committee,

Today I find myself in the very difficult position of writing this letter of appeal to you. I am sure that literally thousands of parents and students alike have written similar sentiments to the admissions department at Hackensack-Meridian’s School of Medicine at Seton Hall in the past few months. I personally hold the deepest respect for Hackensack-Meridian as a medical school; being a lifelong New Jersey resident, and a graduate of both Seton Hall Prep, and Seton Hall University. I look back fondly on those years of my life, and have come to realize that both the diverse atmosphere, and excellent education I received, allowed me to grow equally in mind and spirit to prepare me for the various challenges I will face in life. It is with the utmost admiration for your institution that I compose this letter to you.

When a newly commissioned school such as Hackensack-Meridian presents itself, it provides an opportunity for students to attend a school which is on the cutting edge of medicine and revolutionizing medical education not only in the state of New Jersey, but nationwide. I’m sure that the job of an admissions officer is no easy task, and can be very stressful. Afterall, being inundated with so many applications from qualified applicants desiring admission, it is surely a daunting task making those critical decisions. Honestly, I do not think that you have necessarily made an error in judgement. Sifting through thousands of applications to select a class size which is meager in proportion to the number of applicants is no doubt a difficult task. It is true, I am writing to appeal my admissions decision for the Fall 2019 class, but more importantly, I felt I had to give Hackensack-Meridian one last attempt. Regardless of the decision rendered, which I am fully aware is statistically not in my favor, I am still compelled to write this letter.

Like my father before me, who was faced with multiple challenges when applying for a Master’s degree at Columbia University in New York, and Stevens Institute of Technology in New Jersey. Immigrating from Egypt in 1969, as a college graduate and a mechanical engineer he was asked to take the GRE’s (similar to the MCAT’s) which he was told that he did not score very well on. Searching only for the opportunity to prove himself, he took numerous pre-requisite courses in order to be admitted into a post-graduate program and received an A in each one. He was finally granted admission and obtained his Masters with high honors from Stevens in 1978. I consider myself to be a chip off the old block and history is merely repeating itself.

Despite my best efforts, I have somehow fallen short of the ideal applicant that you seek. Was it the hurdle I faced with Organic Chemistry, which unfortunately had a negative impact on my GPA, or was it the MCAT’s? Should I have curbed my passion for charity and volunteer activities or was it not enough? Were my letters of recommendation strong enough? These questions are on my mind every waking hour of everyday. Having reviewed both my primary and secondary applications, you are aware that I have been an EMT, employed as an ED technician, volunteered and fundraised for various charities, shadowed numerous physicians, have run 4 marathons, and seek to practice Emergency Medicine to serve the underprivileged on the front lines while addressing the various social determinants of health. The question remains, what has changed in my application to warrant reconsideration?

Wherever I go, I know I will get a solid medical education. The schools that I am currently deciding amongst (Saint Georges, American University of the Caribbean, Ross University, SABA University, and possibly American University of Antigua) all of which are tier 1 Caribbean institutions. I feel confident that my ambitions to succeed coupled with my thirst for knowledge will guarantee me a positive medical school experience.

Throughout the medical school application process, I was given the opportunity to do some soul-searching, and I believe in addition to gaining a better understanding of myself, I also have a clearer vision of the contributions I wish to make as a practicing physician. Cardinal Tobin beautifully captured my sentiments in his right of blessing, “the unique feature of this partnership between a leading health system and a faith-based university is to prepare women and men in those three areas of science, for those moments when the hands reach their limit.” My experiences in the ED have provided me first-hand knowledge of the heartache associated of losing a patient when my hands reached their limit.

I have been accepted into the MD programs at 4 of the 5 schools mentioned previously, however American University of the Caribbean granted me a conditional acceptance pending completion of their MERP program starting in April and concluding in July. This program is a 15-week program that provides foundational knowledge in; Medical Anatomy, and Histology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology and Immunology, Physiology and Biophysics. The program instills necessary foundational knowledge and study skills to help students succeed in medical school.

The program concludes with an exit exam similar to the MCAT’s. As eager as I am to start medical school, I am leaning more towards enrolling in this program. In addition to the obvious benefits of strengthening my study skills, and providing a stronger foundational knowledge, I am hoping that it will prove that my passion knows no boundaries, and also will indicate that I am up to the task of a rigorous medical school program such as that offered at Hackensack- Meridian.

As I go from one daily activity to another, from work in the Trauma rooms at Morristown Medical Center where I lead the ED trauma team, to volunteering as a member of the medical team at the NYC marathon where I was once a runner, the disappointment, and heartache resulting from my denial to Hackensack-Meridian continues to haunt me. I realize that, like thousands of other students who may have been puzzled at an admissions committee’s decision, I am used to working hard, doing my best, and reaping the fruits of my labor. Life is full of ups and downs, successes and failures- regardless of age and societal status. I understand this concept well, and realize I will experience my share of both throughout my lifetime.

This decision is not a failure on my part, but rather an opportunity to give the admissions committee a deeper understanding of my character, and demonstrate that when faced with adversity, I rise to the challenge when given the chance. No one has ever regretted taking a chance on me, and I never quit. All of my hospital clinical experiences, and volunteer activities, have demonstrated my passion, love and enjoyment in serving humanity. The knowledge I have gained from these experiences will aid me always, regardless of where I go to school. One way or another I will be a doctor, however to have the opportunity to complete my education where it started at Seton Hall, in my home state is a dream I wish would come true.

In conclusion, I feel I must utilize every feasible opportunity to gain admission to be fully content with my efforts. Early on in life, I was taught the principles of honesty, integrity, and respect. These were the basis of my upbringing and the foundation of shaping the man I am today; virtues I shall never compromise for any reason. I was to be respectful, treat others as I would like to be treated, and above all, be honest; all of which are characteristics essential to any healthcare provider.

As a healthcare professional I have the obligation to maintain integrity in all that I do, an obligation that is morally & professionally motivated. My ambition and goal-oriented personality helped me battle through some truly emotional and academically challenging times. During my undergraduate studies I lost my grandmother to cancer, and during my pre-medical studies my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. Academically, I faced some challenges, however, I have always lived by Vince Lombardi’s quote, “the greatest accomplishment is not in never falling, but in rising again after you fall.”

Despite these hardships, my determination, hard work ethic, and faith allowed me to excel. On a more personal note, I desire to attend Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine because their mission, vision and values form an equation for success; ensuring that as a graduate I will be a capable, accountable and uniquely qualified physician. These values reflect similar ideals that I demand in myself, and a passion to serve the underprivileged community while addressing both the physician shortage and social determinants of health. I would welcome the opportunity to join a progressive team of medical professionals who are highly rated and recognized as one of the best in the state and nationwide.

The School of Medicine’s proximity to my hometown, is also beneficial in easing any anxieties I have regarding my infirm parents’ health and well-being as I complete my studies. Lastly, my passion for helping others has translated into thousands of hours of charity work and allowed me to help the less fortunate, fund medical research and to be honest -made me a better person, appreciating everything that I have in life. Similarly, the patient-centered approach that is usually associated with osteopathic medicine has finally been given an allopathic counterpart at Hackensack. This puts the school of medicine’s graduates in a class of their own.

I believe that God has a plan for all of us, that everything happens for a reason, and everything will work out in the end. All I can do is present my case to you, and leave it in His hands. Thank you again for the opportunity, and for your consideration of my request.


Anthony B. Ibrahim

Cite this paper

Appeal Letter. (2022, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/appeal-letter/



How do I write an appeal letter for reconsideration?
To write an appeal letter for reconsideration, you will need to state your case as to why you believe the decision should be reconsidered and provide any new evidence or information that you have.
What does letter appeal mean?
An appeal is a formal request made to a higher authority for a reversal of a lower court's decision. In most jurisdictions, appeals are made to a court of appeals from a lower court's judgment.
What should I write for Reason for appeal?
If you are appealing a decision, you will need to state your reasons for doing so. This should be done in a clear and concise manner, as the court will take these into consideration when making a ruling.
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