Anthropometric Parameters in Volleyball Players

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Volleyball is an all-round team-sport and it has been widely accepting as a highly competitive and recreational game throughout the world. Since its inception in 1995, it has not only developed from a slow moving game into a fast one, but has also become a game of high interest and joy to players and spectators alike. Volleyball, when promoted under sound leadership, brings out and sharpens the qualities of honesty, fair play and sportsmanship in those who participate in it. Volleyball has an added advantage in being suitable for both sexes, regardless of age and physical ability, as it is highly adaptable. Anthropometry has a rich tradition in sports sciences and sports medicine.

Anthropometry studies the relationship of form and functions, the interactions of anatomy, growth and performance (Stini,1995). Anthropometric size and morphological characteristics play an important role in determining the success of an athlete (Rico-Sanz, 1998; Wilmore & Costill, 1999; Keogh, 1999). Success in sports has associated with specific anthropometric characteristics, body composition and somatotype (Carter & Heath, 1990; Duquet & Carter, 2001). Hence, for volleyball coaches, managers, sports physiotherapists, and scientists, deeply understanding of the determinants of achievement, such as the specific anthropometric characteristics of players may be vital.

Numerous studies have examined the associations between anthropometric characteristics of volleyball players (Gladden & Colacino, 1978; Morrow, Jackson, Hosler, & Kachurik, 1979; Kovaleski, Parr, Hornak, & Roitman, 1980; Spence, Disch, Fred, & Coleman, 1980; Fleck, Case, Puhl, & Van-Handle, 1985; Fry et al., 1991). In spite of the accessibility of the literature correlated to anthropometric parameters in volleyball players, standard data on such parameters are insufficient in the worldwide context. To complete the gap of literature, the current study was designed.


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Anthropometric Parameters in Volleyball Players. (2020, Nov 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/anthropometric-parameters-in-volleyball-players/



What height are volleyball players?
Volleyball players can vary in height, but typically they range from 5'6 to 6'6 for women and 6'0 to 7'2 for men. Height is an advantage in volleyball as it allows players to reach higher and make more powerful hits at the net.
What is the ideal weight for a volleyball player?
There is no such thing as an ideal weight for a volleyball player. Players come in all shapes and sizes and the key is to be comfortable with your own body and to be able to use your weight to your advantage.
What physical attributes are needed for volleyball?
Athletes need to have good hand-eye coordination and reflexes to play volleyball. They also need to be able to jump high and hit the ball hard.
Why are anthropometric measurements important in sport?
Importance of Anthropometry Measurement in Sports Anthropometric measurement has revealed correlation between body structure physical characteristics and sport capabilities . In all the games, height, weight, and other Anthropometric variables play a vital role in the player's performance.
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