An Analysis of a Decent Sandwich Recipe

  • Updated October 13, 2022
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When trying to make a decent sandwich you should have an idea on what you want, on what combinations go together well and what you are in the mood for. Well first of all you need to have out a clean cutting board, knife, and butter knife whatever kind of bread you would prefer, romaine/iceberg lettuce, ham, honey roasted turkey, mustard, tomatoes, pepper jack cheese, pickles, salt, pepper, baby carrots, ranch, and mayonnaise. So now that you have all the necessities out to make a good sandwich we start. Now that you have all that you need you have to get out to get two pieces or your preferred bread and lay them out side by side. Open the jar of mayonnaise get your butter knife in hand and get a decent sized scoop to spread on one of the pieces if bread evenly. And do the same to the other piece of bread.

Next you add the lettuce, so peal off two leafs of lettuce about the same size as the bread and place the lettuce on each slice of bread. Open your mustard bottle and squirt the desired amount onto the leafs of lettuce then spread it with your butter knife. Get the tomato that you got out and cut as big of slices as you would like and place two slices of tomato on each side and sprinkle a hint of pepper and salt on the tomatoes to bring out a more defined flavor. Cut a nice decent size of the pepper jack and place it in the center of the sandwich nicely. Next you get a slice of honey-roasted turkey and place it on the right side and put a slice of ham on the left side and finally put the sides together carefully. Place your nice neat sandwich on a plate beside some baby carrots and ranch as a side snack.

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An Analysis of a Decent Sandwich Recipe. (2022, Oct 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-a-decent-sandwich-recipe/

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