American Independent Revolution Review

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When it comes to the American Revolution, there are so many factors that are said to have caused it, that it is hard to determine which are the direct causes, root causes and the fuse. The root points are the interest conflict between the development of north American capitalist economy and the British colonial rule, the overall attitude of the British to the Americans. Other triggers are but not limited of the national (America) consciousness gradually awakening and the spread of the Enlightment. The Boston tea party in 1773 with the British manufacturing Boston massacre arousing people’s revolt, furthering, the incident acted as the fuse of the revolution.

For the direct and the most important cause of the dilemma, taxation is the cause that drove the Americans up the wall. In order to raise money to pay off the damage done and the costly debts after the French-Indian War Parliament began to pass a series of taxes, acts and other laws which caused a massive uproar from the colonists who were forced to pay and tolerate them. The problem for many American colonists was not that taxes were high, because they were low but that they were not consulted about the new taxes, as they had no representation in parliament. The actual level of taxation was not really the issue. It was the fact that the taxes were levied upon them without giving them a voice in the British parliament, the taxation caused them to realize how easily their property and freedom could be taken. If they push hard enough ,the Americans would eventually fight back.

The British never knew that the people they once oppressed and exploited so recklessly would someday turn around and face them angrily, fighting for their own liberty. They didn’t have the self-knowledge to realize that the problem was rooted down to their unconscious behaviors and which slowly changes the way Americans felt about them. It was unwise of the British back then to argue that the Americans were represented virtually, while most Americans rejected the theory that men in London, who knew nothing about their needs and conditions, could represent them. The colonists also had plenty of reasons besides the taxations to go up against the British .They were being treated poorly, their cries for help were being ignored..The only things Britain did for its colonists were to take their tax money and their resources. Britain’s hard headed ways were wrong, they treated colonists like they weren’t deserving of basic human rights and refused to help or listen to their grievances.

Another cause is the nation’s own rising sense of consciousness and self dignity. The colonists had already learned to fight, were tired of the British governance, and wanted to be self sufficient. If they were to stay huddled under British control, this could not happen. And with the influence of the Enlightment, by proposing thoughts and ideas that questioned traditional leadership and led to a new constitution. They formed the philosophical basis for America’s claim that it should have more autonomy. Through a combination of philosophy, politics and communications, the Enlightenment prompted societal reform. It showed colonists how the political system of monarchy harmed lawful citizens. There is no wonder that the colonist would orchestrate “ rebellion”.

And then there’s the Boston Tea Party. It was a significant event in the years leading up to the Revolution. By 1773 tensions were mounting as British America’s relationship with Mother England became increasing strained. The Boston Tea Party event was not a singular incident and it had very little to do with the tea itself. The tea shipment became a sticking point between the British and the colonists as it was the taxation on the tea that was objectionable. The core issue of being taxed without having fair legislative say in the government had been a recurring theme in the years leading up to 1773. When the Boston Tea Party incident took place, the more militant colonists felt they had no other options available to them. Finally , there was “the incident was not the act of a lawless mob, but rather a protest based on principle.”( Adams, 1773),who demanded absolute independence from Great Britain.

The Boston Tea Party has become synonymous with unfair taxation and the abuse of government overstepping its boundaries. In 1773 Boston, the seeds of the American Revolution were being sewn. Through miscalculation and sheer abuse of the colonial system, Britain strengthened support for a growing movement toward independence. The Boston Tea Party then became more than a principled protest action against taxation; it became an event that demonstrated that a power cannot sustain rule with “consent of the governed.” The governed in this case, went on to fight and die for their rights. For the British government, its shortsightedness brought about its own downfall in this case.

As one can see, the American Independent Revolution was “dependent” on many specific factors working in unison. As the British fashioned more and more acts which degraded the colonies, they escalated the resentment felt by the colonists. As both opposing sides fought back and forth, the sparks of the revolution caused the populace to view the British as dictators who would take away all their rights and make their free colonies into a tyranny. This paranoia was prevalent throughout colonial society and combined with many other factors, began the American Revolution.

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American Independent Revolution Review. (2020, Sep 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/american-revolution/

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