Alice Walker’s Creative Vision

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In the beginning, Alice Walker was always concerned about grounding her work in matrilineal tradition by writing and particular homage to the exuberant imagination of Zora Neale Hurston (Gates, Henry, and Jr, Appiah 10). Walker used Hurston work as a structural center for a tradition of African-American women that wants their writing to be acknowledge, by resurrecting Hurston imagery as a great writer and establishing a great work in progress. Her fame came from her most famous novels, “The Color Purple” (Gates, Henry, and Jr, Appiah 224). It was nominated for Eleven Academy Awards including best picture and writing. Walkers creative vision alone with Hurst came from hardship, racial terror and life in the South of African-American culture (White 448).

Born into a family of sharecroppers, Walker was brought into this world on February 9th,1944 near Eatonton Georgia. She was the 8th child of Willie Lee and Minnie Tallulah Grant Walker. In 1948, at the age of four she entered the first grade. During the year 1952 she goes blind in her right eye because she was shot in her eye accidently with a BB gun by one of her brothers (White 4). Her mother saw how the incident had affected her and she made the decision to give her a type writer so she could write all the time and not have to do any chores. When she got older her bond with her father became strained as she showed a proclivity for intellectual pursuits. When she graduated high school, she attended Spelman in Atlanta Georgia in 1961 and shortly after Sarah Lawrence College where she graduated from in 1965 (White 104).

Genuinely, she became an active participate in the Civil Rights Movement Walker worked with Voters Registration in Georgia and in Mississippi during 1966 she assisted The Head Start programs. She was also an active participant for the Department of Welfare in New York City between 1966 and 1967. For some of her major works she was awarded Pulitzers Prize and the American Book Award (Gates, Henry, and Jr, Appiah 10). In her “great spirit” she decided that her early life’s works was done, but the entirety of her life’s work was not yet accomplished. After realizing that Walker got by working on some accomplishments, in 1984 she went on to publish a collection of poems including “Horses Make A Landscape Look More Beautiful.” Then in 1988 she started a second collection of essays, including “Living by the Word.” Lastly, a year after that she published her 4th novel, “The Temple of my Familiar.”

As Walker lives today, she has made a big impact on not only for African-Americans but women of different colors and cultures. She encourages and urge them to get to know their inner selves. And to overcome the silent and abuse of past life events. She continues to travel all over the world to speak and encourage women no matter what. Her words are more powerful today in 2019 as they were in 1970.

In conclusion Alice Walker was one of the most influential women authors of all time. Walker saw how she could not let life’s disadvantages just stop her from helping all women voices be heard in their own way. She put a lot of love and time in what she has done and it continues because of wisdom and beliefs. Walkers creative vision alone with Hurst came from hardship, racial terror and life in the South of African-American culture. In the end she made imagination a reality.

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Alice Walker’s Creative Vision. (2021, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/alice-walkers-creative-vision/



Is Alice Walker blind in one eye?
Alice Walker is not blind in one eye.
What are the themes of Alice Walker's writing?
Themes of Alice Walker's writing include race and gender.
What is Alice Walker's impact on society?
Alice Walker is an important voice in the fight for equality and civil rights. She has also worked to increase the visibility of African American women's stories and experiences.
What is Alice Walker's writing style?
Alice Walker rarely uses rhyme in her poetry, but instead she includes syntax, euphony and repetition to make her poetry sound rhythmic, for example in her poem "Be Nobody's Darling". She generally writes her poems in the first-person perspective , in which she addresses the reader about a certain theme.
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