A Satirical Fable: Animal Farm

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Every single character represents a real historical figure or group. Every action made is one that mirrors the ones of the real Russian Revolution. The whole book surrounds the idea of communism and specifically Russia’s involvement with said communism. Each Character from Napoleon to Mr. Whymper. Napoleon a quiet, manipulative, and selfish pig that serves as murder and ruthless dictator in Animal Farm. Napoleon represents Joseph Stalin a ruthless dictator and mass murder from Russia.“Napoleon is always right.” this quote shows the evidence of totalitarianism, class warfare, and nationalistic views placed upon the inhabitants of Animal Farm similar to the ones of the Russian Revolution.

The Nine Dogs blind followers, brutal, vicious, and overall a personal leverage point for Napoleon. NKVD was Stalin’s personal police force while he ruled.“they had come to a time when no one dared speak his mind when fierce, growling dogs roamed everywhere, and when you had to watch your comrades torn to pieces after confessing to shocking crimes.” this quote specifies the drastic effects of the dogs as a defense to Napoleon’s power as ruler similar to how Stalin used NKVD and the KGB.

Boxer the hard-working, naive, loyal horse of the Farm perfectly depicts the Proletairit workers and labors of Russia post-revolution. ‘His answer to every problem, every setback, was `I will work harder!’ which he had adopted as his personal motto.’ showing how in any upset Boxer would work harder voluntarily comparable to how the Proletairit workers were during the communist regime of Russia. ‘Ah, that is different!’ said Boxer. ‘If Comrade Napoleon says it, it must be right.’ This quote on the other hand also shows how naive Boxer and the workers were during the said regime of communism during Animal Farm and Russia’s history.

Benjamin is one of the wisest and unfazed characters he thought the book points to flaws in the system yet doesn’t take action whereas in the movie he does take action and causes a second revolution. Orwell boldly put intellectuals alike to himself in the book represented by Benjamin. Benjamin in the book does everything like these others in the Russian revolution who would point out flaws yet fall short of taking action. Unlike Benjamin’s movie counterpart who represents close to Orwell himself taking action and pointing out flaws while taking action without having to stand up which still holds Benjamin’s persona.

The sheep are unique characters because they don’t represent people as much as they do the propaganda and the slogans plastered into people’s one-sided minds. These slogans were some of the only mental force put to hold people to support Stalin. That is comparable to the power that the sheep held like when this happened: But just at that moment, as though at a signal, all the sheep burst out into a tremendous bleating of-‘Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better! Four legs good, two legs better!’ It went on for five minutes without stopping. And by the time the sheep had quieted down, the chance to utter any protest had passed” Situations like these give the sheep high position in Napoleon’s tactics for suppression comparable to the many implications that Stalin used propaganda. These are just the bare shallow minimum examples of how prevalent the Russian Revolution is in this satirical fable. Orwell excessively exceeded in turning communism into a fairytale 4th graders could read and 8th graders could understand. These examples are blatant and bold as a circus parade. Between Stalin himself to the propaganda, he spread all facets are represented throughout this book.

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A Satirical Fable: Animal Farm. (2022, Jul 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-satirical-fable-animal-farm/



How is Animal Farm a satire and an allegory and a fable?
Animal Farm is a satire of the Soviet Union and an allegory of the rise of Stalin. It is also a fable about the dangers of totalitarianism.
How is Animal Farm a satirical fable?
Animal Farm is a satirical fable that uses animals on a farm to represent the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin. The book addresses the problems of totalitarianism and its effects on society.
What is an example of a fable in Animal Farm?
One example of a fable in Animal Farm is when the animals are trying to figure out how to use the windmill to generate electricity. The other animals are skeptical that they can do it, but Napoleon is confident that they can and he leads the way.
What is an example of satire in Animal Farm?
1. Women are emotional. 2. Women are not as strong as men. 3. Women are not as good at math as men. 4. Women are not as good at science as men.
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