The Pros and Cons of the FAST Diet

  • Updated March 19, 2023
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The diet that I chose was the F.A.S.T diet. It stands for Families Always Succeed Together. I like the idea of this because it focuses on dieting with others, which can always be helpful when trying to diet. Dieting alone can be hard and scary. The FA.S.T diet emphasizes that families work together to lose weight in a healthy manner. It started with the Dean family. They, together, lost five hundred pounds over eight family members. This diet doesn’t have any gimmicks; it doesn’t use diet pills or shakes or make you purchase any special foods. The way the F.A.S.T diet works is fairly simple.

You first start with a 90-minute orientation that can be done in person. After that, you will start the diet and report what you’ve eaten each day to whomever is assigned to be your one on one “food mentor”. With the F.A.S.T diet, you get unlimited support from Tony Dean, the creator of the F.A.S.T diet and his entire team. The E.A.S.T diet is not only there to help you eat better, but also to help you learn the best way for you to exercise. They also have conference calls that can connect you to other people who have the same problems as you, and how they dealt with them.

There are pros and cons to the E.A.S.T diet. One of the pros is that it emphasizes dieting as a whole, not as parts of a whole. Dieting is much easier when one has accountability and someone who is doing the same thing. While the F.A.S.T diet is one that uses a person to motivate you, it also includesa cost. Another pro is that there is a 30-day money back guarantee. If you are unhappy at all with the results that the F.A.S.T diet is providing, you can get your money back within the first 30 days of the diet. They also encourage you by sending you a wrist band for every ten pounds you lose. While there are pros to the F.A.S.T diet, there are also cons. One of the cons is that it is somewhat costly. It is 69 dollars for the first month and 27 for each month after.

That’s a lot of money, and seeing as poverty can be a cause to obesity, this may not be a practical diet for someone on a budget. Another con could be that it can be intimidating to talk to your weigh and eating issues with a complete stranger. There can be fear of judgement or rejection. Overall, I like the idea of the F.A.S.T diet. I am a very frugal person, so I don’t know if I would personally try this diet. Hypothetically, if it were fre, I would try it. I thrive with motivation and accountability so I believe I could lose the amount of weight I have wanted to if I started this diet.

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The Pros and Cons of the FAST Diet. (2023, Mar 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-the-fast-diet/

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