The Position and the Impact of the Allies in World War Two

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Stalin was fighting a war in the Soviet Union, while Britain and the USA were fighting an air and sea war. Roosevelt decided to act against Nazi Germany to defeat it, even if the British and the Americans could not go to war due to the fact that their armies were not ready. Britain decided to go on with the war in North America; Rommel’s forces were defeat in 1942. The Anglo-American forces landed in French North Africa, by 1943, the whole North Africa had been secured. This campaign prevented Hitler achieving the Suez Canal; in addition, it provided a launching position for the next Allied target, Italy.

Between 1943 and 1945, Italy was defeat by the Allies. By the 10th July 1943, Sicily was in Allied hands. As a result, Mussolini was dismissed by the Italian King, in October of the same year; Allied powers marched on Salerno, Reggio Calabria and Taranto, in order to conquer Naples. Badoglio, Mussolini’s successor decided to continue the war against the Allies, therefore the Allies had to fight all the way up the peninsula. Rome was captured in 1944, while the entire north of Italy was not under the Allied control until April 1945, as this was the actual end of the war. As a result, Fascism had ended in Italy; this was a disadvantage for the Germans, which did not have any more a strong war partner. Furthermore, Stalin could not blame the Allies for not having ended the war by them.

In 1941, Hitler decided not to use the whole capacity of the army against the British, therefore allowed the British to survive. In 1941, Hitler decided to invade the USSR, this was also called the Operation Barbarossa; however, this resulted to be one of the biggest mistake made by Hitler. This led to the Germans opening a war against the Soviets; the Soviet army was bigger in size, as the population of the two nations was extremely different.

In 1941, Germany declared war on the USA; this was also seen as a huge mistake. Hitler thought the Americans would not have acted against them, as they should have stayed fighting in the Pacific against the Japanese. The American entrance in the war, allowed the Allies to act against the Italians. Hitler’s conduct of military operations was not good enough, clear evidence for this is the disastrous operation in the Soviet Union, and Hitler did not prepare his troops for the very difficult weather in the Soviet country.

Hitler decided to focus on the V-rockets, instead of concentrating on jet aircraft, which could have restored German air superiority and weakened the Allied bombing campaign between 1944 and 1945. Due to Hitler’s mistakes, during WW2, the war went on for too long, therefore causing Germany running out of shortages. In addition, the German government decided not to get any directions from civilians, so that there was no collaboration between the military and the civilians.

The failure of the Axis was also caused by the strengths of the Allies. After 1942, Hitler started to face more economic difficulties, causing the resources of the Allies to grow. Meanwhile, the Soviet economy became a wartime economy; as a result the USSR was producing more armaments and better-quality armaments than Germany, by 1943. For example, when the American war industry reached full capacity, the Americans were producing over 70000 tanks and 120000 aircrafts a year. The Allies focused on the quality of their armaments, rather than quantity. Furthermore, the Allies had a better strategic plan,which resulted as vital for victory.

Another factor that helped the Allies succeed was to involve the civilians in the military in planning and logistics. In addition, the bombing survey of Japan noted the failure of the Japanese Air Force. The Americans, on the other hand, were way more advanced, in terms of technology, this helped them in producing new fighting weapons. The Allies decided to destroy the Japanese merchant marine, navy and naval airpower. The Americans were expanding too rapidly for Japan. The destruction of Japan s industries and cities by systematic bombing was also another fundamental factor.

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The Position and the Impact of the Allies in World War Two. (2023, Apr 25). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-position-and-the-impact-of-the-allies-in-world-war-two/

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