The Mental, Emotional, and Social Health Struggles of George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men, a Novel by John Steinbeck

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DfMice and Men is a novel written by John Steinbeck in 1937, the story features two friends, George and Lennie, who travel from ranch to ranch to work. They have a dream of purchasing a farm of their own and earning their own income. Lennie, a tall, strong man, has short-term memory loss, presumably suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and doesn’t understand his strength, which gets him into trouble. Lennie loves George and follows his example, attempting to please him with everything he does. George, a smaller, smart man, treats Lennie quite poorly. Lennie has mental health struggles relating to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He constantly catches mice and holds them captive in his palm while he strokes their fur.

He likes the feel of soft things, and cannot stop himself from touching them. This quality points towards 0.C.D.. It‘s not just the coats of rodents that he enjoys the texture of, but also puppies, women’s clothing, and women’s hair. When he grabs any of those things, he can’t bring himself to let go if they begin struggling, which has gotten him into trouble with the female race. George has emotional problems in the sense that he is paranoid, unrealistic, and feels responsible for other’s actions. He is constantly giving commands to Lennie, telling him what to say, where to go, and who he is allowed to speak with. He fears that Lennie would get him into trouble by saying or doing something wrong.

He feels responsible for Lennie, he feels that everything he does reflects onto George, like a child’s does to a parent. Lennie has social anxiety. He is scared that his actions with another human will get him in trouble with George or get him fired from his job. The anxiety was a result of a long time traveling with George and his paranoia. The time and his ambition to please George compressed the thought that he Should avoid most, if not all social situations. In conclusion, OfMice and Men is a novel involving several mental’ emotional, and social health struggles and Situations between the two main characters, The problems expanded slowly throughout the story, until they result in an accused rape and two murder cases.

Lennie’s social anxiety stems from his fear of getting into trouble with George or losing his job due to his interactions with others. His anxiety is a result of years spent traveling with George and absorbing his paranoia. Lennie’s ambition to please George and the constant pressure to avoid social situations lead him to isolate himself from others, exacerbating his social anxiety further. Throughout the novel, these mental, emotional, and social health struggles gradually escalate, culminating in tragic events including an accused rape and two instances of murder. The characters’ vulnerabilities and their inability to effectively navigate their challenges contribute to the devastating outcomes of the story.

In conclusion, Of Mice and Men explores the complexities of mental, emotional, and social health through the characters of George and Lennie. Their struggles with OCD, emotional instability, and social anxiety shape their interactions and eventually lead to the tragic events that unfold in the narrative. Steinbeck’s portrayal of these struggles serves as a reflection of the challenges faced by individuals dealing with mental and emotional issues in society.

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The Mental, Emotional, and Social Health Struggles of George and Lennie in Of Mice and Men, a Novel by John Steinbeck. (2023, Jun 27). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-mental-emotional-and-social-health-struggles-of-george-and-lennie-in-of-mice-and-men-a-novel-by-john-steinbeck/

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