Struggle in the Ghetto

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The Nazis hatred for Jews was like no other. The Nazis was a small anti-Semitic group which developed into German workers party, led by Adolf Hitler, who had one thing on their mind and that was to eliminate the Jewish community. Hitler did not support the religion that Jews people partook in. This was racial and biological matter. They did not want this religion called Christianity to take over humanity. This has been a struggle for the Jewish community for a long time, because the Nazis was a huge army, and the Jews could not really did anything about it because the Nazis overpowered them as a whole. To contain the Jewish community Hitler came up with Ghetto Warsaw Uprising camps. In this ghetto the Nazis manipulated, beat, and brutally killed the Jewish community. Although the Jewish community in the Warsaw Ghetto were harmed and treated terribly, they stood up and rose as one against the Nazis for their freedom and beliefs.

Berenbaum stated that a ZOB leader stated “we saw ourselves as a Jewish underground whose fate was a tragic one, the first to fight. For our hour had come without any sign of hope or rescue”. (Berenbaum). While holding their own or Jewish community had pistols a few raffles, a couple machine guns and homemade bombs. Destroying a number of tanks, killing German troops and holding off other troops who tried to enter the ghetto. They tried to do this for as long as they could, but Hitler and the German troops were too strong. It was about 1500 Jewish fighters against a whole army of Nazi troops. This just shows the heart and dedication that the Jewish community had and how they were not going to let anyone stop them from belittling them as a whole. The Jewish community was getting tired of the way they were being treated. In the article On the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising it states “I therefore decided to destroy the entire Jewish residential area by setting every block on fire, including the blocks of residential buildings near the armament works. One building after the other was systematically evacuated and subsequently destroyed by fire. The Jews then emerged from their hiding places and dugouts in almost every case.” (Walsh). Which showed that the German troops treat the Jews with no respect as if they were less of human. Which can show the readers the perspective of the Nazis soldiers and how they did not show any remorse of the Jews feelings.

The Jews stepped up and took charge for what they believed in which was Christianity. Once Hitler saw that the Jewish community was standing up for what they believed in, he took charge and liquidize and set the whole Warsaw ghetto on fire. Even though the Jewish community did not win the battle they still feel great about fighting for what they believed in.

Richard Bloom has a video of Jewish Ghetto Warsaw survivors telling their story on what they saw and went through during the Uprising. No names were called during the video because they wanted to keep, their identity secret. The stories that were told were outrageous and may not sound truthful, because of the hateful things that went on.

The things the Jews went through during the uprising were unimaginable and no one would wish that on anyone. Seeing family members die right in front of them and the looks of their faces as they are telling these stories caught my attention, because it showed real life emotions and showed how this whole thing has hurt them in such an abundant way.

Imagine seeing your mother get shot and died right in front of you while you are a child. People had to find different ways to save their lives during this time. A lady in the video said that she had to hide in the sewer during the end of the uprising to survive. Which showed me that people did anything to make sure they saw the next day. There were people outside the ghetto that thought the Jews should die for what they believed in which was Christianity, but they also thought what the Nazis were doing to the Jews were awful, but why did they not try to stop the Nazis? Because the people who lived outside of the ghetto did not want the same to happen to them. Hitler was an awful and ruthless person to a lot of people and they were afraid of him.

In the articles SEEN FROM THE WINDOW; MEMORIES OF THE WARSAW GHETTO UPRISING it states “After 26 months spent in the Warsaw Ghetto, in January 1943, sixteen years old Janina with her mother and younger sister escaped to the Christian part of the city. During the first few months, locked in a room, invisible and inaudible to the strangers, they were sheltered by a respectable family of an old architect”. (Bauman). Even though some people outside the ghetto were afraid some people helped hide Jews families inside their homes.

Now today this is something that we should look back at and be thankful for. Being thankful that this act did not happen to American. Killing a community for what they believe in is not the right thing to do. Many people have many perspectives and beliefs, but just because one person does not believe in the same thing that another person believe in does not mean that they deserve to parish.

The most important lesson we may have gotten from researching and learning about this topic is that people should always fight for what they believe in. The Jewish community understood that they did not stand a chance against the Nazis, but they still went out and fought and persevere for what they believed in. They did not just watch and let the Nazis walk all over them, but They stood tall through adversity and fought until they could not anymore. Never give up on what you believe. The faith that the Jews had helped them get through this awful and difficult time.

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Struggle in the Ghetto. (2022, Sep 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/struggle-in-the-ghetto/

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