Oriente Jazz Band Concert Review

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The fusion of tone and tempo combine in different mediums is enjoyed by our ears. Music, A very interpretive art is not very clearly limited or explained by one definition. I have always illustrated any musical performances as a combination of rhythmic and instrumental variety of music. For the concert review, I went to observe the group Oriente at the country club on Biscayne organised by Sunshine Jazz Organization. The event took place on Sunday May the 27th.

The group Oriente was Formed by Cuban-born guitarist and composer Eddy Balzola; also, the group is known for their signature sound featuring bluesy, guitar driven tumbaos, flaming harmonic brass, and exquisite Afro-Latin percussion blending Cuban roots with Blues, Jazz, Caribbean and Brazilian influences. They debuted at New Orleans world famous Snug Harbor Jazz Club captivating local musicians and guests to their new Cuban heritage fusion.

In 1995 ,they tour in Europe, but it did not go well because some of the musicians had alcohol issue.Acording to Felix, the bass player, they took a break after that. However,in 2008 the group decided to get back together.

The concert consisted of various pieces. On my part, I was quite impressed by the performances such as the All blues. 2 Sunny as the Morning Sunrise which I have watched and appreciated the most. These performances were extremely good as they warm the audience like the ‘summer’. They actually display the high degree of the performers, creativity. The performers tried to exploit their talents and I feel that they also attempt to make use of most of the contempory musical aspects.

As an individual who is interested in many artistic works, I’ve attended live music before. However, I did not expect much, nor looking for anything special at this particular concert. To my surprise, that live performance was nothing close to anything I’ve seen before. It was such an exquisite presentation. According to Eddy the Bass player, whom we had a chance to talk to,they don’t really have a special piece. He personally just loves to play jazz music.

They spent many hours practicing and expecting to do something different when they get on the stage. I think it just a way to say that jazz inspires them.for it helps them create new things. The musicians clearly put their talent their talent to play and let the audience savored the most beautiful piece they have in their repertoire. I actually chose that particular performance because I love listen to live music, specially Jazz. I am glad I made that choice because not only they received us with a warm welcome but we enjoyed every moment of it

jazz music is so special which make it one of a kind and it is unpredictable. The concert was conducted by many instruments with various types of music. first part of the concert was diverse and colorful as the beginning two pieces were featured by the bass, trumpet , harmonica brass, percussion and make beats of the drum sound.. The band features Balzola, Stuart King, William Paredes, Yoel Del Sol, Pepe Aparicio and Orlando Machad.

Although they played many pieces This piece title Blues composed by Edyy was rich in drama. I feel that the texture used is this instrumental is imitative polyphony.and the tempo was slow. I sensed that there were various parts in this piece that used the similar melodies. I notice the harmony between the instruments were right on with each other, and the orchestra was enjoyed by many, and was a sort of doorway for many other kinds of music to be developed from. it was such an exquisite presentation.

The first piece title all blues orchestrated for trumpet with a piano accompaniment. It had three movements; the first was centered mainly on the trumpet. The trumpet was muted in the second movement. It was much slower in tempo and used much lower notes, played within a very small range. Hence, it continues with an upbeat sound in the third movement and started out more dynamic. . The sound seemed almost discernible and is, therefore, comforting to listen to after the sad second movement. Then the melody stopped abruptly and the percussion unified in to finish the song. The second piece title Sunny As the Morning Sunrise written by Eddy. This piece had two singers and a piano accompaniment.

the third piece title Birdy which I like the most was calm and peaceful. The melody started out very contour or a small wave, but as the music progressed the it began to show ascending and descending structures. The movement of the music was both conjunct and disjunct. A climax was present in the 4th section. the music builds up as if it were about to reach the climax, but sometimes the music descends and does not reach the climax until nearly the end.

The tempo was clearly upbeat and spirited. As far as instrumentation wise, the strings were very fast similar to those of the contemporain era.. The third movement is the slowest of the four, and fourth is the most involved. The drums plays a major by becoming a part of the fourth section which make it seem as if the tempo changes drastically as they play in between the beats. All the pieces was composed by Eddy.

Overall, it was quite an interesting experience. The standard of all performances was fabulous. The fact that Each interpretation was different make the concert exceptionel. What I like the most is the sound of their music ,the way the musicians improvised surprised me at every note, each player wish to perform. The group has a distinctive sound, I really like how they make their music comes together. The audience enjoyed it as well.You can tell for very few people if there was any leaved the concert during the performance.They atmosphere was serene and smooth the end the audience gave a standing ovation to show their appreciation. From that night I became a fan of jazz music, and I am looking forward to go more often not only to jazz concert but also to Oriente Concert.

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Oriente Jazz Band Concert Review. (2021, Jun 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/oriente-jazz-band-concert-review/

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