“Low” by Flo Rida: History of the Song

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The song we used to dance to for our project is called “Low” by the artist Flo Rida, but that’s his “rap” name, his real name is Tramar Lacel Dillard. He was born September 16th, 1979. He is an American rapper, songwriter and composer from Carol City, Florida. He was a member of a home-grown group, the “Groundhoggz”, for eight years. At the age of 15, he became part of “2 Live Crew”, but later on by 2001, he went out for a solo career. He wanted to first play basketball, but that did not work for him, so then he went to college, but he quit school to become a full time rapper, he said he knew he was meant to go full time rapping.

When he returned home from California, he signed a contract with Miami hip hop label Poe Boy Entertainment in early 2006s. Flo Rida’s first full Album containing 3 songs, “We the Best Forever”, “Port of Miami” and “Suffering From Success” it did pretty good, but not as good as the song “Low” which i’ll be talking about later. The way he got his “Flo-Rida” is because Tramar Lacel Dillard (The rapper) is from Florida, and he was really looking for a stage name and he misspelled Florida, and accidentally put a space in between Flo and Rida, so he thought it was a perfect name, it showed where he came from, and the name is pretty catchy.

His songs consist mostly of hip hop, but there’s also pop, rap, R&B, electro hop, and electro pop. Flo Ridas second biggest hit in 2009 was the song “Right Round” which is a really catchy song, another reason why he become such a hit in the early 2010s, his type of beats in his songs makes them super catchy and makes it fun to dance to or to just listen to with your family, that song reached over 130 million hits to this day.

We had a few reasons to why we picked the song “Low”, but the reason we picked it for our dance is because mostly everyone in our group actually listened to this song before we even knew each other, and i’ve known some of the people in my group since 5th grade, so basically we knew the beat to the song, it has a nice kinda fast beat to dance to and is really catchy. Also, right when we were assigned our dance, I had the idea to use this song, also another reason we picked this song is because back when the movie “Zookeeper” was released, they actually played this song in a scene of the movie, so that’s how I found out about the song.

The song is really old, released in about 2008, but some history about the song is when it was first released, around 450,000 albums were purchased in one week, which was the most ever back then to be bought in a week. For a while, Low was number 1 on the global song chart, and it topped songs across many countries. Before 2008 was about the end, for a few months, almost 4,500,000 digital downloads were sold, which also broke almost all the records back then.

It was second most listened song in 2008, behind the song No One by Alicia Keys. He even said himself that the reason this song was such a big hit is because also the person that sang with him was “T-Pain” had both good and catchy flow’s in their song. It was number one for around 10 weeks, and even after that, the song was on the billboards for a few more months. But even after that song, he kept releasing songs like “right round” and “my house” which also both hit the billboards.


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“Low” by Flo Rida: History of the Song. (2021, Aug 29). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/low-by-flo-rida-history-of-the-song/

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