Loving Organic Food

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Business statistics have been used in business surveys that are mainly used by certain markets to get a better analysis of their products. Entrepreneurs have been using surveys as a tool to analyze their products and service’s market. To that, market research have been used to understand better any given company’s customers, competitors, and the business field the company is operating under and making decisions related to such operations (Canada Business Network, 2017). Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the Loving organic foods’ survey regarding their customer’s buying habits and their ages. It also emphasizes on the duration covered by such customers during the time of purchase. That is, conducting a research analysis for 200 customers surveyed during their last quarter. The study also includes the analysis of survey data obtained from histograms done using an age bracket of five to ten years. Consequently, the paper will also give an overview of the organic food industry, such foods importance, and the target market behaviors that includes such market and segment demographics, buying habits and lifestyle.

The Organic Food Industry

Organic foods are such foods that are farmed or grown minus the use of various artificial hormones, chemicals, antibiotics or any other genetically modified organisms (GMOs). During their labeling after production for sales, they must bear such labels that indicate they are free from any artificial additives such as the artificial preservatives, sweeteners, flavoring, including the monosodium glutamate (McFadden & Huffman, 2017). In the US alone, organic farming including the sales of such organic foods and other related products has since grown steadily after the introduction of National Food Production Act in the year 1990 and the implementation of the national organic program by 2002.

According to McFadden and Huffman (2017), since 2005 up to 2015, the sales of the organic foods and its products have increased significantly to over 160% from the previous $13.3 billion to over $35 billion in 2005 to 2014 respectively. They argued that, an estimated, 9,000 to 14,000 American certified organic operations have formed over four million acres. Moreover, the organic food use in private families including the development of the organic food industry that results from it, have consequently been linked to the determinants of the buyers need for such food products and has been viewed as the market driver for organic food production.

Urban families containing higher income including family heads with higher education forms the larger percentage of the organic food purchasers, but the effects of organic foods on young children and the family size are considered to be minimal in the US (Dimitri, Geoghegan & Rogus, 2017). The research has also shown that the higher education and wages, the access to such food products, including being married always enhances the likelihood of purchasing organics, but ethnicity has not been seen as a determinant factor for buying such products (Dimitri, Geoghegan & Rogus, 2017).

One of the primary instigators of the growth in organic food sales is the availability of such food product within the world market, thus breaking the once hard to get commodity’s availability to become currently readily and easily available across all food stores such as loving organic foods, Walmart, Target among other retailers. For many years, decision making regarding the organic food retail marketing has since emphasized on consumers with comparable researchers examining the behaviors of such people who purchase those food products. Many researchers have also argued that education level is the most significant determinant of buying those products in that the higher an individual get educated, the greater chances of buying organic products (Mørk et al, 2017).

Histogram Age Groups Analysis

Regarding the histogram bin shown on the Excel base data provided by the Loving Organic Food, we can conclude that different factors influence the use of such products. In that context, some of the determinant factors for the organic food consumption may include an individual’s health concern and nutrition, taste superiority, environmental concern, food safety, loss of trust on the traditional foods, local economy support among other factors (BERNACCHIA, PRETI & VINCI, 2016). That may be why, from the organizational histogram data, those who buy organic foods from the retail shop are those of 78 years of age while the least buyers are individuals with less than 18 years old. That is, people with 78 years recorded the highest frequency of 27% while those under 18 years of age recorded a lower rate of 2%. Such frequencies can be recorded from such individual because of various effects organic food have on their health, lifestyle and their income (BERNACCHIA, PRETI & VINCI, 2016).

In other words, the natural food product may reduce the chances of such people contracting various related old age ailments based on the fact that that they have the capabilities to buy such foods since they have money and access to those organic food retailers. While to the younger generation, they would prefer to buy other artificially fortified foods that they consider sweet and maybe because they don’t have enough money to buy such products which are sometimes expensive (Aschemann‐Witzel & Zielke, 2015).

Loving Organic Food’s Marketing Strategy

For the shop to increase its sales, it would mean that it increases the stock that is health conscious which would, in turn, be considered by such the seniors as foods that may help them stay out of old age ailments such as heart diseases, arthritis, cancer and respiratory diseases (Skarnulis, 2017). All those diseases could sometimes be caused by those additives, sweeteners among other artificial hormones. The retailer can also start by strategizing using the natural and organic food strategy by outlining which organic products could best suit its seniors who form the largest part of their customers (MICHELLE, 2015).

Again, they should create a strategy for in-store communication and signage to provide their potential consumers with knowledge of where to find the shop and what they offer (Loving Foods, 2017). Lovely organic food should also sensitize the other group of their buyers regarding what the store sales, importance, and other benefits by dedicating flyers and brochures about their products. They should also educate their employees on the natural and organic foods so as to have a clear knowledge on what they offer to their customers in case a client inquire about a particular food. The retailer can also choose to open online sales by using various online advertisements to reach the younger generation in an attempt to lure them to buy such products online since they are the larger group covered by online social platforms (MICHELLE, 2015).


Currently, many researchers have indicated that organic food purchasers devote over 14% on groceries more than non-buyers. For example, in 2013, both the organic and natural food sales created up to 8% of total grocery sales and continued to grow significantly currently (MICHELLE, 2015). Organic foods and other naturals marketing strategies have continued to increases always, but the most significant aspect any store could employ is to customize its strategies so as to fit its customer base while keeping the audience in mind to escape going wrong.

Cite this paper

Loving Organic Food. (2021, Nov 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/loving-organic-food/

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