Irony and Symbolism in Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweet”

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The short story, Sweat, was selected, because I was able to connect with the story on a more personal level. I can connect to the story, because as an African American female, I understand the hardships women face having to jungle and maintain different responsibilities, and not even being acknowledge or respected for doing so. I am also able to relate because my sister is also a victim to domestic violence. Although our situation may be different, Delia reminds me of my sister. Having to be the strong one, the provider, the care- taker. You name it, she was it, and she was treated like a dog for being who she was.

In the short story Sweat a young black woman named Delia Jones, finding herself (her voice), in a marriage with an abusive husband who constantly takes pride in physically hurting her, mentally draining her, and shooting down her ego. This story is very significant, because it portrays the strength of the black woman during a time period where they were kept behind the scenes of masculinity (from not only white men, but black men also), (Shmop). These are the reason why I find myself interested in the short story, Sweat, because my sister was going through the same similar situation.

After ready the story Sweat, the theme I have notice good versus evil or good versus bad. Simply, because Delia husband, Sykes is very abusive towards his wife and all she does is show him respect, juggling a job, hard-working and maintaining her house income while taking care of her abusive husband at the same time.

In my paper I will be using irony and symbolism. These elements that I have chosen connects with my thesis because, for one the title Sweat, is symbolic to the setting because the story takes place in South, Florida. Florida climate is extremely hot and humid, so you naturally sweat in this type of heat. The title went hand and hand with the setting.

Sweat is symbolic to the protagonist, Delia, because it portrays how hard-working she is: Juggling a job, maintaining the household and taking care of her abusive husband on top of all the other responsibilities she must do. I haven’t come up with a good thesis yet, but in the short story Sweat by Zora Neale Hurtson is a short realistic fiction story that primarily focuses on the lives of a poor black couple in the 1920s. during this period more and more female writers became more vocal and independent, which is conveyed in the short story, Sweat.

Hurston uses symbolism and Irony throughout the short story to convey the theme of male dominance that Sykes lacks, but demands from Delia, and the theme of struggle and perseverance that Delia displays during her abusive marriage until God redeems her from her burdens (Sykes dies).


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Irony and Symbolism in Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweet”. (2021, Nov 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/irony-and-symbolism-in-zora-neale-hurstons-sweet/



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