Importance of Internet Privacy

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As time passes and technology evolves, more and more of our daily lives are put on the internet and broadcasted for the world to see. The amount of information varies from person to person as usage of the internet varies but nonetheless today, privacy is a hot topic in America. To me, privacy is very important because we are in the age of social media, smartphones with cameras, etc. Everything nowadays can be easily recorded and captured. Every word said and every action made can be kept and recorded and be on the internet forever. For example, usage of social media has alone gotten many people removed from their workplaces. A “joke” among friends whether appropriate or not can be taken and put against you at any given time. Even though the conversation can be simply with two people, all it takes is one sentence to end someone’s career. This alone is why privacy is important to me especially when using the internet.

Nowadays, websites have the ability to track your browsing activity as well as ISPs and keep track of what your tendencies are as to what you are browsing. This is a large issue as there is a current backlash as to how people are even accusing apps on their phones of listening in on conversations to tailor advertisements to what would suit them. This alone is one startling example of how privacy today is a controversial topic. To sum it up, privacy to me is incredibly important and appropriate measures should be taken to maintain a certain level of privacy.

There are many ways to defend your privacy online. To begin, one basic but yet major option of choice is the use of a VPN, or a virtual private network to hide your IP address and further privatize your browsing. These programs tend to be quite easy to use and will help keep you feeling safe and secure. The use of VPNs are extremely popular today in terms of being safe on the internet.

Another way to defend your privacy is to be cautious of the information you put out on the internet. Using the internet in a responsible way and not putting out an excess of information such as your phone number, email, and other valuable info out there is crucial. The simplest cautions can go a long way when using the internet. Furthermore, being cautious of what you sign up for is also a major thing to pay attention to as there are companies that will sell your information to others. These companies are known as data brokers and they will sell people’s personal information such as essential contact information like addresses, emails, phone numbers, etc. If you want to protect your privacy online, you must be very careful with your actions or your privacy could be compromised.

Overall, privacy is very important to me due to the current online environment. Acknowledging privacy as a serious topic is important today with all of the controversies arising on the topic. Keeping your privacy protected online is an important action to take and can go a long way. Something as simple as clearing your search history, using private browsing modes, virtual private networks, etc. can help you maintain a protected online experience. In conclusion, privacy should be taken seriously on the internet and proper safety precautions should be taken when online.


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Importance of Internet Privacy. (2021, Oct 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/importance-of-internet-privacy/

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