History of Buddhism and The Four Noble Truths Argumentative Essay

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According to Beyer which states Buddhism started as a parsimonious advancement inside the common Brahman custom of the day, Buddhism promptly made in a course. The Buddha rejected basic pieces of the Hindu perspective, yet additionally tried the master of the service, blocked the authenticity from verifying the Vedic sacrosanct messages, and rejected the mollifying inner circle subject to them. Indeed, he opened his advancement to people from all positions, denying that a person’s significant worth includes births.

Buddhism advanced in India, there were periods in India’s past when Buddhism was overwhelming in India. Today short of what one percent of India’s populace is Buddhist. Buddhism has more devotees in the nations east of India. Buddhism has created in around 500 BC. Buddhism started with a ruler called Siddhartha Gautama. Siddhartha had a spot with an aristocratic family. As a ruler, he had a huge amount of wealth. Buddhism highlight, serenity. Buddha ambushed the Brahmanic custom of animals butchering during religious administrations. Religiously, the Buddhists are vegetarians.

Buddhism lacks God. Be that as it may, numerous Buddhists keep pictures of Buddha. Buddha isn’t viewed as the main prophet of the religion, yet as the fourth prophet of the religion. There are two most principles in Buddhism, Mahayana, and Hinayana. Mahayana Buddhist except that the correct way of an adherent will prompt the reclamation of every person. The Hinayana accepts that every individual controls his destiny. Bowker (2014). Buddhism, Jainism lacks faith in salvation in the sense comprehended by generally Westerners. They don’t concentrate on Hell or Heaven as the finish of a soteriological decision, however, on information, they trust in the resurrection (Buddhism resurrection) after death Salter, (2005). As per this conviction, one’s activities or karma enable one to be reawakened as a higher or lower being.

According to King (2005), If one is malevolent and has many terrible activities, one is probably going to be renewed as a lower being. If One has many good activities or karma, one is probably going to be reawakened as a higher being, maybe a human with higher status or in a higher rank truth be told, ‘Births and passing are not the fated destiny of a living being but rather an ‘end product of activity’ (karma), as it has been called by a few.” The higher educating is the regulation of the Four Noble Truths and the Path, and this is the Buddhist idea of salvation. At the point when a being chooses to turn his yearnings toward the Path, at that point his endeavours finish, not in paradise, yet in a state which is outside the entire arrangement of samsara.

Ross (1980) states, according to Buddha’s theory life is tolerant. The suffering is brought about by the intrigue’s everybody needs to accomplish. The more one needs, and the less he accomplishes the more he perseveres. Individuals who don’t accomplish their appealing advantages in their lives will be imagined again to this life hover overflowing with a torment subsequently will expel themselves from the universe of no pain – Nirvana. ‘To get Nirvana, one needs to seek after the eightfold way which is to accept right, want right, think right, live right, do the correct endeavours, think the correct thoughts, act right and to do the right reflection.”

Oxtoby, (2002) explains one who acts should at some point or another procure the impact; while encountering an impact, one is planting seeds once again, in this way making the following rush of life be high or low as per the idea of one’s former activities sometimes, be that as it may, one can escape from samsara, the cycle of death and resurrection, through the accomplishment of the most astounding profound state. This state is called Nirvana in Buddhism. This state isn’t one of individual joy yet frequently a converging of oneself with aggregate presence Nirvana in the sutras is never considered as a spot, (for example, one may imagine paradise), but instead, it is simply the antinomy of samsāra, which is synonymous with obliviousness. Freedom, in this way, in Buddhism is viewed as a conclusion to torment, resurrection, and obliviousness (just as the achievement of ‘Bliss, Moral Perfection, Realization, and Freedom.’

Buddha Quotes And Teachings

Armed with his new knowledge, the Buddha was hesitant at first to teach, because what he now knew could not be explained to others in words. According to legend, it was then the king of gods, Brahma, encouraged Buddha to teach, and he got up from his spot under the Bodhi tree. For the remainder of his 80 years, Buddha travelled, preaching the Dharma which means the teachings of the Buddha. The Buddha is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures in world history, and his teachings have affected everything from a variety of other faiths to literature to philosophy, both within India and to the farthest reaches of the Western world.

Buddha Teachings

The Tipitaka (tree baskets) which was compiled by the Arahants represents the teaching of Buddhism, it encompasses three unique yet distinct teachings each in a class by itself. Vinaya Pitaka (basket of discipline) there are rules and regulation basically created to govern the monks and nuns of the monastery. They also include lessons of etiquette that foster a better relationship between the monastics and their lay supporters.

According to Mahāthera (1998), the Vinaya Pitaka consists of five books which are:

  1. Parajika Pali (Major Offences)
  2. Pacittiya Pali (Minor Offences)
  3. Mahavagga Pali (Greater Section)
  4. Cullavagga Pali (Lesser Section)
  5. Parivara Pali (Epitome of the Vinaya)

Sutta Pitaka (basket of discourses), this book consists of various instructions and discourse taught by Buddha to the monastics and their lay supporters on different occasions. Most of the sermons deal with the Holy life and exposition of the Doctrine.

According to Mahāthera (1998), the Sutta Pitaka consists of five books which are:

  1. Digha Nikaya (Collection of Long Discourses) consisting of 34 suttas
  2. Majjhima Nikaya (Collection of Middle-length Discourses) consisting of 152 suttas
  3. Samyutta Nikaya (Collection of Kindred Sayings) consisting of 2,889 short suttas
  4. Anguttara Nikaya (Collection of Gradual Sayings) consisting of several thousand short suttas
  5. Khuddaka Nikaya (Smaller Collection) consisting of 15 books.

Abhidhamma Pitaka (basket of ultimate doctrine) this book is said to be the most informative, important, in-depth and interesting of all the three books. It contains “profound philosophy of the Buddha’s teaching Mahāthera (1998).

According to Mahāthera (1998), the Abhidhamma Pitaka consisting of seven books which are:

  1. Dhammasangani (Classification of Dhamma)
  2. Vibhanga (Divisions)
  3. Dhatukatha (Discourse on Elements)
  4. Puggle Pannatti (The Book on Individuals)
  5. Kathavatthu (Points of Controversy)
  6. Yamaka (The Book of Pairs)
  7. Patthana (The Book of Causal Relations).

Buddha Quotes:

Peace is a state of mind and every person has the ability to find peace within themselves, through their own thoughts, meditation, and behaviour. You should never seek peace from someone else, a place or things of this world which are all vanity and eventually fades away. Peace must be found from the soul.

It is quite easy to lose the things we find ourselves attached to in this lifelike house, car, land, money, etc. But in Buddhism, they teach the simplicity of life only use what you need. Instead of clinging to these material things share what we have with others who are in need and stop being selfish or else we will lose it and what then.

“We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.” – Buddha.

The Four Noble Truths

One of Buddha’s early teachings after his enlightenment was centred on the Four Noble Truths; it is the foundation of Buddhism. One way to understand the idea of the four noble truths is to view it as hypotheses, in Buddhism there is a procedure for knowing those hypotheses, or understanding the truth of the Truths. The Four Noble Truths comprise the essence of Buddha’s teachings, though he left much unexplained. The Four Noble Truths are a possibility for practicing with suffering humanity faces, suffering or pain in Buddhism does not mean physical or mental pain.

The first noble truth speaks about pain or suffering, the second noble truth speaks about seeks to identify the cause of suffering. In Buddhism to want, anything whether it may be good or bad that can lead to suffering. Third noble truth speaks about the truth to the last part of suffering, the last part of suffering has multiple meaning, and it suggests the end of suffering in this life or spiritual life. The goal is to reach nirvana which is the end of suffering. Nirvana is not an actual place you go when you have reached the end of suffering or pain. But the level you reached when you achieved the four noble truths. The Four Noble Truths or the four holy truths are existence is unhappiness, unhappiness is caused by pain and selfishness, and desire can be overcome by following the Eight-fold path.

The four noble truths in Buddhism speak about how life is painful whether old, young, sick, in good health, death, and sorrow is painful. Dissatisfaction at not having or doing what one wants is painful. Pain in Buddhism is caused by desire, craving for life, or even for death, pleasure, lust, possessions, etc. By craving for anything and everything can cause pain, even not wanting to desire can lead to pain in Buddhism. The four noble truths speak about pain and unhappiness could stop entirely when it comes to nonattachment to life, possessions, friends, and loved ones were achieved. It is a part of release and abandonment it should be replaced by genuine compassion.

The path to the end of pain and unhappiness, a formula for life is the eightfold path. This is the reality of dukkha. Its involvement with unpleasing things, it is failing to get what one desire. The cause of dukkha is the desperate desire bounding one to rebirth, self-indulgence and lust, and the desiring of anything for continuing existence or even for non-existence. The truth of the possibility of dukkha it is the absolute removal of desire, it is bonding and forsaking and letting go of all desires. This truth not to have any desire comes from the four noble truths which lead to the possibility of dukkha. It is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path.

According to the Ven. Ajahn Sumedho, a Theravadin monk and scholar, the word dukkha actually means ‘incapable of satisfying’ or ‘not able to bear or withstand anything.’ Others say it means ‘suffering’ with ‘stressful.’ Dukkha speaks of anything that is short term, conditional, or compounded of other things. The Buddha was not trying to say that everything about life is continuously bad. The Buddha taught in his teachings that the skandhas are dukkha. The skandhas are the components of a living human being: form, senses, ideas and consciousness. The high spirited body you identify as yourself is dukkha because it is impermanent and it will eventually perish.

Salvation In Buddhism – The Noble Eightfold Path

In the fourth Noble truth there is a guideline principle that is directed to suffering to an end or to obtain escape from continuous rebirth, called the Noble Eightfold Path. It is one of the principal teachings of Theravada Buddhism.

These Eight practices in the Noble Eightfold Path are classified into three essential elements – moral conduct, mental discipline and wisdom. The Noble Eightfold Path includes Right Understanding, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Action Right Occupation, Right Effort, Right Contemplation and Right Meditation.

Right Understanding is ultimately reduced to the acceptance of the four Noble Truths. It explicates that one’s actions and beliefs have a sequel after death, which is not the end.

Right Resolve denotes renunciation of pleasure of the body. Individuals must change their lifestyle, that they may not harm living creatures but have good thoughts for everyone.

Right Speech means to desist from gossip, lies, slander anyone that may cause hatred and disunity among people or groups. Also, abstention from impolite language. When a person keeps away from this hazardous speech, he will naturally talk genuinely. Speak words that are welcoming, meaningful and pleasant. Right Action help others to live a peaceful and honourable life in the correct manner. One must not murder, steal or involve in an illegitimate sexual act. Right Occupation in this regard one must avoid working at any job that could harm someone. Like trading in lethal weapons, intoxicating drinks. However, one should have a livelihood that is blameless and by no means harmful to others.

Right effort portrays the heroic work to eliminate evil from your activities, designation and conception to be freed of inclination and despondency.

Right Contemplation teaches to become aware of one’s actions, words and opinions. One’s mind should be trained to be disciplined and develop through right effort and right concentration.

Right Meditation indulges training of mind to concentrate on an object in the absence of unsteadiness to create a calm mind competent of concentration.

In Buddhist teachings, these practices should be generated more simultaneously, depending on the capacity of the individual who pursues it. Since they are connected to each other, they help the development of the other. Thus, their goal is to foster and complete the three necessities of Buddhist training and regulation. Also, following the Noble Eightfold Path imposes that one adheres to these things because it brings Salvation. It is basically what the Buddhist does that brings Salvation, through human efforts.

Advocates of Buddhism focal point is on knowledge. The reincarnation after death is one of them believes. Thus, in all respects, the individual’s action will determine one born as a higher or lower being. Also, if the individual has a lot of negative gestures then the lower being will be reborn.

However, when an individual escape the cycle of death and rebirth, through the attainment of the highest spiritual state called Nirvana, it is not the merging of oneself with collective existence. Nirvana in the Sutras is not viewed as a place just as how heaven is perceived, rather a conclusion to samsara. Therefore, liberation in Buddhism is conceived as the end to suffering, rebirth and ignorance as well as the attainment of happiness, moral perfection, realization and freedom.

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History of Buddhism and The Four Noble Truths Argumentative Essay. (2021, Jan 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/history-of-buddhism-and-the-four-noble-truths/

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