Hamlet Summary & Response Character Analysis

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Theme of revenge was a powerful theme throughout Shakespeare’s Hamlet and most people who seek vengeance hurt themselves as well as, the opposition. Prince Hamlet is in a state of mourning and depressed over the death of his father and the fact that his mother, Queen Gertrude, married his uncle Claudius. That upsets Hamlet because that’s his uncle, and uncles don’t marry their brother wife. Some guards see the ghost of the old King Hamlet and the guards told Hamlet the ghost was for him. The old ghost tells Hamlet that he was murdered by his brother Claudius and Hamlet has been consigned to Purgatory and must walk the earth at night until his murder has been avenged. He charges Hamlet to avenge his death. Hamlet has a hard time trusting the ghost but he eventually obeys the ghost.

To get the truth Hamlet stage a play that will re-enact the murder of King Hamlet in front of Gertrude and Claudius. He names it The Murder of Gonzagoto that includes a play within a play that is central to Hamlet. The plan was for Claudius to fold under pressure and feel his own guilt. It worked, as Claudius and Gertrude watch the play, Claudius is visibly stricken with guilt and leaves early. With revenge on Hamlet mine he kills Polonius who was spying on him although he thought it was Claudius. For his actions Claudius bans Hamlet for England.

Laertes returns to Denmark for the revenge on his father, Polonius, whom was killed by Hamlet. As the two were fighting Laertes drops the poisoned sword that was attended for Hamlet and Hamlet picks it up and cuts him. Laertes goes on to tell Hamlet that him and Claudius was working together to put poising on the sword and the drink that was offered to him. Finally, in a rage, Hamlet kills Claudius as he runs him through and pours the last of the poison down his throat. Hamlet was cut by the poison sword during the fight and his time is winding down as well. The throne would be passed to Prince Fortinbras of Norway as the funeral for Hamlet was complete.

I believe that revenge is never a good thing and that God will take care of the situation. Honest opinion you’re life want get any better by hurting someone. The outcome most of the time ends deadly depends on your situation. Revenge requires that you lower yourself to their level and it’s not worth it unless you’re already there.

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Hamlet Summary & Response Character Analysis. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/hamlet-summary-response/



What are the main points of Hamlet?
The main points of Hamlet involve the themes of revenge, betrayal, madness, and mortality. The play follows the story of Prince Hamlet as he seeks to avenge his father's murder while struggling with his own sanity and mortality.
What is Hamlet most famous for?
Hamlet is most famous for being one of Shakespeare's most popular tragedies, and for the famous "To be, or not to be" soliloquy.
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The moral story of Hamlet is that revenge is not always the best option and that it is important to think about the consequences of one's actions.
Who kills Hamlet?
"I'll never leave you, Dally. I swear it."
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