Essays on Trifles Page 2

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Women in “A Doll’s House” and “Trifles”

Pages 4 (855 words)

A Dolls House



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Nora from “A Doll’s House” and Mrs. Wright from “Trifles”

Pages 4 (871 words)

A Dolls House



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Woman Equality in The Color Purple and Trifles

Pages 7 (1 629 words)


The Color Purple


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Defending the Play Trifles

Drama Paper on Trifles – Susan Glaspell

Essay on Trifles

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Male Control and Women’s Suffrage in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Moral Law in Trifles

Motifs that Represent The State of Women in Susan Glaspell’s Play- Trifles

Social and Psychological Differences in Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Susan Glaspell’s Trifles

Susan Glaspell’s Trifles from a Historical Point of View

The Irony in Trifles

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The Yellow Wallpaper vs Trifles

Trifles And A Doll’s House

Trifles and A Jury of Her Peers: A Comparison

Trifles by Susan Glaspel Summary

Trifles by Susan Glaspell

Trifles by Susan Glaspell: from Courthouse to a Stage Setting

Trifles Gender Conflict

Trifles Review

Trifles Susan Glaspell Irony Symbolism Theme

Trifles Symbolism

Trifles vs. Story of an Hour

What Happened on The Night John Wright Died: Critical Objects and Settings in Trifles

originally published



Trifles is a one-act play by Susan Glaspell. It was first performed by the Provincetown Players at the Wharf Theatre in Provincetown, Massachusetts, on August 8, 1916. In the original performance, Glaspell played the role of Mrs. Hale. The play is frequently anthologized in American literature textbooks.


One-act by Susan Glaspell

Playwright: Susan Glaspell

It is ironic that the men consider women as Trifles, yet the audiences view the latter as heroines in the play. Even in her absence, Minnie Foster is the play’s protagonist.

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