Slaves Essay Examples and Research Papers

24 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Slaves of Modern Technology Argumentative Essay

Pages 3 (504 words)



Technology Addiction

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How Slaves in Antebellum America Imagined Freedom

Pages 12 (2 864 words)


Slavery In America


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Athenian Slaves

Pages 2 (482 words)

Ancient Rome


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Emancipation Proclamation

Pages 2 (406 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Civil Rights

Slavery In America


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The Kitchen House by Kathleen Grissom

Pages 9 (2 250 words)

Book Report



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Runaway Slaves by John Franklin Review

Pages 7 (1 600 words)

Book Report

Slavery In America


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Brutality toward Female Slaves

Pages 5 (1 235 words)



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Aautobiography of Slave Booker T. Washington

Pages 6 (1 377 words)



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Movement of the Slaves

Pages 3 (535 words)

Civil Rights

Civil War

Martin Luther King I Have a Dream


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Hannah More’s poem “A Slavery” Analytical Essay

Pages 7 (1 549 words)


Slavery In America


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Check a list of useful topics on Slaves selected by experts

“Address to the Slaves of the United States”

2. Compare the treatment of slaves and indentured

A Look at The Friendship Between Slaves in Forge by Laurie Halse Anderson

Abraham Lincoln Did Not Free the Slaves

Comparison of The Life of Slaves and Indentured Servants

Contribution of Slaves in Colonial America

Diseases that Affected Slaves Back in The 1800’s

Essay to Analyze Different Opinions About Slaves in The United States

Frederic Douglas and The Brutality That Slaves Endured

Human beigns are becoming slaves of modern technology

Image of Violence Used on Slaves in Literature

Indentured Servants Vis-a-Vis Slaves

Modern Gadgets Have Made Us Slaves

Overview of America’s Colonial Era and Consequence of Tobacco, Whales and Slaves

Petition of Slaves

Physical and Mental Abuse on Slaves

Plessy to Ferguson: Slaves are a Good Investment

Relationship Between Slaves And Masters

Rudyard Kipling’s Description of The Slaves Suffering and The Philippines Colonization as Illustrated in His Poem, White Man’s Burden

Sex Slaves in Nepal

Sexual Rights of Muslim Men on Their Wives and Sex Slaves

Slaves by olaudah

Slaves in the Ottoman Empire

Slaves versus House Servants

Sneaker slaves on Dazed Digital by Pinar&Viola

Struggles of Indentured Servants and Slaves During The 18th Century

The Challenges of Drug Tracking, Slaves and Guns in The U.s Between 1600 and 1860

The Impact of Bacon’s Rebellion on Indentured Servants and Slaves

The Story of Courage and Triumph From Three African Slaves

The Underground Railroads for African-american Slaves

The Use of Indentured Servants and Slaves in Colonial America

The Vikings Capture and Use of Slaves

Women & slaves


Slavery has been and still remains one of the most hideous crimes perpetrated by humans against other humans, and though we seem to have already learned the lesson, millions of people around the world still remain slaves. If you read essays on slavery, you’ll see that slavery is abolished all around the world and there’s not a single country out there where it is still legal. However, slavery still exists in the shadows depriving people of the essential and basic right to freedom. As a student, you might want to explore the topic and write a slaves essay to deepen your understanding of the problem. As terrifying as it sounds, people can get into slavery through various means – child labor, debts, kidnapping, scamming, and many more. You should go through some slaves essay samples to learn more about different ways people get into it and the possible ways to eradicate this problem once and for all. We are a long way past the times of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade or serfdom in Europe and Asia, but there’s still much to accomplish to guarantee freedom to everyone.

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