Inside Out and Back Again Essay Examples and Research Papers

7 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples


“Inside Out and Back Again” by Thanhha Lai

Pages 4 (789 words)

Inside Out and Back Again


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Ha in “Inside Out and Back Again”

Pages 6 (1 405 words)


Inside Out and Back Again


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Theme of Refugee in “Inside Out and Back Again” and “Children of War”

Pages 4 (913 words)

Inside Out and Back Again

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“Inside Out and Back Again” Summary

Pages 3 (599 words)

Inside Out and Back Again

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Character of Ha from “Inside Out and Back Again” Analytical Essay

Pages 3 (547 words)

Inside Out and Back Again

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“Inside Out and Back Again” Novel Summary

Pages 3 (514 words)

Inside Out and Back Again

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“Inside Out & Back Again” Review

Pages 3 (565 words)

Inside Out and Back Again

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Thanhha Lai

originally published

February 22, 2011


Inside Out & Back Again is a verse novel by Thanhha Lai. The book was awarded the 2011 National Book Award for Young People's Literature and one of the two Newbery Honors. The novel was based on her first year in the United States, as a ten-year-old girl who spoke no English in 1975.


Novel by Thanhha Lai

Pages: 260

Cover artist: Zdenko Bašić, Mauel Šumberac, Ray Shappell

Genres: Novel, Historical Fiction

From Saigon to Alabama, Inside Out and Back Again is the story of a year in the life of Hà, a ten-year-old girl who flees Vietnam with her mother and brothers, in hopes of escaping the Vietnam War and building new—and safer—lives for themselves in the United States.

Inside Out and Back Again is a story about a young girl named Kim Hà and her family, consisting of her Mother and three brothers, being forced to move to the United States because the Vietnam War had reached their home country, and it was no longer safe. They board a navy ship and flee.

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