Essays about Childhood Obesity

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An investigation into the causes and effects of childhood obesity amongst primary school children Cause And Effect Essay

Pages 12 (2 884 words)

Childhood Obesity

Open Document

An End to Childhood Obesity

Pages 7 (1 627 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Obesity In America

Open Document

Schools and Families against Childhood Obesity

Pages 8 (1 887 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Open Document

Health Disparity: Childhood Obesity

Pages 10 (2 376 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Open Document

Childhood Obesity and Ways to Avoid It

Pages 4 (792 words)

Childhood Obesity

Healthy Eating Habits



Open Document

Childhood Obesity: A Public Health Issue Analysis

Pages 8 (1 761 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Public Health

Open Document

Childhood Obesity and Academic Performance

Pages 8 (1 786 words)

Academic Achievements

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Open Document

Issue of Childhood Obesity in the United States

Pages 11 (2 544 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity

Obesity In America

Open Document

The Urgency in Childhood Obesity

Pages 4 (949 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Open Document

Role of Parents in Preventing Childhood Obesity

Pages 2 (439 words)

Child Obesity

Childhood Obesity


Open Document
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Check a list of useful topics on Childhood Obesity selected by experts

Analytical Essay Topics:

Does sugar play a huge role in excessive weight gain in children?

Is it safe for obese children to undergo surgery to help them lose weight?

Issue of Childhood Obesity in the United States

Causes of Child Obesity

Crisis of Child Obesity

Reasons of Childhood Obesity in America

Importance to Prevent Child Obesity

Causes of Child Obesity and Role of Parents in Prevention

Causes of Obesity among American Children

The Etiology of Childhood Obesity

Big Issue of Childhood Obesity

A Major Issue of Obesity in Children

Correlation between Poverty and Obesity

Childhood Obesity in Developing Countries – a Global Health Issue

Analysis of the Causes of Obesity

Research of the Worldwide Problem of Obesity

Health Sector Challenges: Obesity

Health Risk Of Overweight And Obesity

What are the major contributory factors to childhood obesity?

The increasing rate of childhood obesity and its effects

Argumentative Essay Topics:

 An analysis of Childhood Obesity in Mississipi: the fattest state in the US

Childhood Obesity in relation to Type II Diabetes

Childhood Obesity: can we blame the fast food companies?

Obesity: Related health risks

How can America cure obesity?

How can the government control obesity?

Childhood Obesity: main causes

Childhood Obesity: fast food is making American kids obese

Obese parents get obese children. Is it true?

What health problems lead to childhood obesity

How Obesity is Developing?

Surgical vs. Non-surgical treatments for child obesity

Obesity rates of major U.S. cities

Does hormonal imbalance lead to obesity?

“Obesity in Children” by Carrie Ruxton

What is the best diet for an obese child?

Obesity in children: is it getting better or worse?

Obesity and Weight Loss

What is the relationship between food, exercise, and weight?

DNA evidence obesity runs in the family


The problem of Childhood Obesity is becoming more relevant every year. Obesity and associated complications occur not only in adults, but also in children, and the number of cases is growing every year. According to the latest data, in the USA every fifth child is overweight. How to identify the problem in time, cope with it, and can childhood obesity be prevented?

Obesity causes

The main cause of childhood obesity, doctors say, is the excess intake of calories from food. Most are sure that chubby cheeks and constrictions on the arms and legs of a child are indicators of good health, and those extra pounds will eventually grow into growth. They are constantly trying to feed the kid: cookies, sweets, bread – all this complements the main meals.

Less common factors that increase the risk of obesity are:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • heredity;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrine pathology (hypothyroidism, excess adrenal hormones);
  • improper daily routine, lack of sleep;
  • taking certain medications for a long time (hormones, antidepressants);
  • genetic abnormalities, etc.
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