Boston Tea Party Essay Examples and Research Papers

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What I Have Learned about Boston Tea Party

Pages 2 (273 words)

Boston Tea Party

US History

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Cause and Effect of Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party

US History

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The Protest of The Boston Tea Party

Pages 2 (440 words)

Boston Tea Party

US History

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Check a list of useful topics on Boston Tea Party selected by experts

A History of the Boston Tea Party in the Revolutionary War

A History of the Boston Tea Party on December 16, 1773

Account of the Boston Tea Party

An Analysis of the American Revolution and the Boston Tea Party

An Analysis of the Boston Tea Party and the Opinions of Alfred Young

Boston Tea Party in America’s Revolutionary History

Boston Tea Party in American History

British Perspective on the Boston Tea Party

Coming of The American Revolution: Boston Tea Party

Historical Accounts of The Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party

The Boston Tea Party and Its Impact on History

The Boston Tea Party and the Laws That Sparked the Revolution in Colonial America

The Demonstration of American Support by the Boston Tea Party and Stamp Act Congress

The Revolution of Colonial America: Laws and The Boston Tea Party


December 16, 1773


The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773.


Resulted in: Intolerable Acts

Goals: To protest British Parliament’s tax on tea. “No taxation without representation.”

Location: Boston, Boston Harbor

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