Essays on Abraham Lincoln

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Abraham Lincoln’s Lyceum Address Analysis

Pages 3 (506 words)

Abraham Lincoln


Open Document

The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery Book Review

Pages 6 (1 419 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Book Review

Open Document

Abraham Lincoln as the Sixteenth President

Pages 11 (2 729 words)

Abraham Lincoln


Open Document

Abraham Lincoln Was the Best President

Pages 2 (390 words)

Abraham Lincoln


Open Document

Abraham Lincoln Presidency and the Civil War

Pages 3 (553 words)

Abraham Lincoln

American Civil War

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Some Interesting Facts About Abraham Lincoln

Pages 3 (589 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Emancipation Proclamation


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Multi-Genre Magazine Article Hudson Heaton

Pages 3 (723 words)

Abraham Lincoln

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Historical Non Fiction Novel “Killing Lincoln” Book Review

Pages 8 (1 992 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Book Review

Non Fiction

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What Caused the Civil War

Pages 3 (640 words)

Abraham Lincoln

American Civil War

Civil War

Frederick Douglass

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Was the Civil War Preventable?

Pages 3 (704 words)

Abraham Lincoln

American Civil War

Civil War

Open Document
1 2

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Abraham Lincoln and the Suspension of Habeas Corpus

Abraham Lincoln And The Use Of African

Abraham Lincoln Presidency Chart

Abraham Lincoln Summary

Abraham Lincoln Views on Slavery

American Presidents Abraham Lincoln

Controversional Abraham Lincoln

Death of Abraham Lincoln

First inauguration of Abraham Lincoln

Franklin D. Roosevelt Vs. Abraham Lincoln

Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln as Wartime Leaders

John Wilkes Booth’s life and his assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Politician Abraham Lincoln

Powerful Presidents Abraham Lincoln

President Abraham Lincoln

Role of Abraham Lincoln in American Culture

Second Inaugural Address By Abraham Lincoln

Solution Essay About President Abraham Lincoln

Somebody-Wanted-But-So Persona Abraham Lincoln

The Early Life and Career Beginning of Abraham Lincoln

The election of Abraham Lincoln – a threat to South Carolina

The First President Abraham Lincoln

The leadership of Abraham Lincoln

Underneath Pristine Clothes: Abraham Lincoln

What if President Abraham Lincoln had lived?


February 12, 1809, Larue County, KY


Abraham Lincoln was an American lawyer and statesman who served as the 16th president of the United States from 1861 until his assassination in 1865.


Robert Todd Lincoln, Tad Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln


16th U.S. President

Height: 6′ 4″

Assassinated: April 15, 1865, Petersen House, Washington, D.C.

Party: National Union Party

Spouse: Mary Todd Lincoln (m. 1842–1865)

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