Can China Rise Peacefully?

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At the beginning of the research I want to talk about china, peace and relation between China and America. First, peace is very important to all the world. Explain the democracies are less likely to individual crisis: democracies are less likely to involve crisis when crisis involved a larger proportion of the democracies .Chan failed to find satisfied significant pattern indicate democracies are likely to start wars. Democracies against targets without the means to the relative undermine because it implies the fear of the retaliation.

Second theory: the two gap of theory of war: the purpose of the work is to investigate the empirical link between the two gaps of theory. The work integrates the power parity and military buildup approaches to established theoretical base of the gap theory of war and explain Middle East dyadic behavior through empirical investigation. Military builds as causes of war: According to balance of power war is equal big gap.

Third theory logic of collective action in the military burden: burden sharing is important because the notation of shared risk and shared responsibility. Free riding behavior was more predominate among smaller goal allies.

Fourth theory: what the major similar between power transaction and power theory? The concept of power history provided the most general expiation for the oscillation of peace and war in Europe. The power theories the power transaction theory current events leading to war are not manipulate the fund mental evolution of power distribution is ser and cannot be manipulate. Balance of power motivated to maximize individual utility, currents events leading to war or peace are manipulate. Peace is essential to any country to achieve their goals. Peace save people and prevents bloodshed. Any country want to rise and become great power china can rise peacefully the progress between country not condition by war maybe country progress economically, Educationally, culturally, morally and politician.

Countries that have weapons not condition to rise by war maybe protect people and economic I think china will rise peacefully I want that. China succeed to rise economically and in many fields and I think it will be great power and versus America peacefully. In this research I am going to use the democratic peace theory to analyze America Chinese relationship to use balanced power that states the democratic states do not create war between them and most people never vote for war except in self-defense from enemies. China have relation between many countries like America and they have relation conflict and alliance china and America have long history and many relation and war but without weapons like trade war the relationship between two countries have been complex.

Main Body of Manuscript

China want to rise and to be great power of all the world and versus America in world power china has adjectives to versus America. China succeed to be strong country and succeed in economically despite the population that fights it and educationally china can rise peacefully the rise of china is important in international relationships in economic, and education and political. China makes things to be versus America and America scare from china to versus it in the power of world and America can fight china and going to do war between them they are already in war but not war by weapons the war between America and china is trade war and they are make more agreements to solve their problems between us by peace not war by spilled blood and for save their people because America and china know war don’t achieve to their requirements.

In current time America has war with china (Trade War) this war doesn’t make to spilled blood but to progress America and china. America make agreements with china but the stress between two countries goes deeper than just trade problem between two countries and lot of people not believed that their agreements would make a big difference. China is not afraid to fight this war because it is not a weak country and has not and will not subject to any external pressure. China has the confidence, and ability to defense its legitimate rights and stand above all external pressure.

Despite all of that china can rise peacefully because china know America and itself are two great powers and know the result of war economic breakdown to America and itself the only way to all country rise by peace. (4)

China is able to grow in peace and achieve their requirements and good for all the world and it is able to make alliances with other countries and country that power of world which is America and make alliance and agreements to grow the world and complete each other and protect people and use the democratic peace which concept must be distinguished from the claim that democratic are in general more peaceful than nondemocratic countries. Proponents of the democratic peace hark back to German philosopher (Immanuel Kant) and the owners of this theory support their opinions by saying that the world did saying that the world did not witness a war between two democracies while they witnessed the wars that broke out between dictatorial regimes that states that the democratic states do not create between them and the theory demands that democratic countries are not satisfied that their own system be democratic. So that the political systems in all the world will be democratic system until the democratic peace theory is realized. (1)

Second theory is the theory of power balance says a country can guarantee its survival by preventing any other country from gaining a military power that will allow it to control is strong. The theory says that if a country is under attack, it will take advantage of its weaker neighbors.( 3)

The rise of China is start to appears in all the world and it able to versus America in the power of world and if China economy continues to rise it will face America in economy and the great power will return in full force.

America is the only regional in modern history, five country are great power but America is the first country in power world so that this not against Chinese rises. (2)

China has strategy and succeed plan to achieve its requirements and grow its economic and it will be neighbors to all countries and help countries to achieve goals and be helpful to America and make alliance and provide needs to America and two countries have weapons not to war but to defense from enemies. China and America will be neighbors have powerful to contain its rise and they will continue rise and to be the two power of world china is already try to be great country and strong to challenge America china will try to do first is to establish regional in Asia which means getting to the point where it is much more powerful than all of its neighbors. (4)

Despite that china faces economic problems including industrial problems and the Chinese industry faces problem of poor quality of its products and its large consumption of energy, second problem country developed impose customs restrictions on Chinese products. China continued to rise as the twenty first century began. (5) For most of this time America has been support and help of the transformation of china from an isolated, agricultural nation to an industrial juggernaut. Recently, Questions have arisen as to whether china’s continued rise and the apparent decline of America will eventually lead to conflict or whether will lead to conflict. China is the largest developing country and economic development according to globalization is china’s main goal. China seeks to be power of world like America. China will develop according to science. It will develop its domestic market and pave a new to industrialization that is cleaner and makes more use of information technology and innovation by exploiting its human capital through education.

Peaceful international environment is essential for chains development. Chinas development is a major part of global development as china has factored in world gains in poverty reduction and strives to reduce its energy. China rapid growth at the end of the 20 century and challenge the international politics and world history
In the end china rise and be power of world and trade war and cold war are continue and America and china continue make alliance and progress each other and their economics stay increase because they are help each other .


Any country wants to rise and progress in many fields and save people. China was succeed to rise and progress in many field economically, cultural and militarily and can continue rise peacefully. In recent years, it has managed to progress without entering a war and fighting battles with other countries opposite of that it helps many countries it exports to the world the products and provides aid to poor countries the indicates that china is progressing peacefully, and it will continue rise peacefully and it doesn’t enter into a war because it know that the result from war loss economic but it can rise peacefully without war except in the case of self-defense.

Peace is a word, and it means a sense of security and peaces have many meaning that are distinguished by peace. Human doesn’t feel fear and anxiety, but he want to fell he is live safety that country shouldn’t think of war. China and America should know that nothing comes by war. They should make alliance to complete each other and without that will not raise their economy.

The whole world knows the economic success of china and I think that it will continue to progress and be great power beside America it can make agreements and alliance with America in economics , politics and militarily and they can rule the world to achieve peace between the world and protect spilled blood . Cooperation is the best choice for the progress of two countries, the whole world must take two countries to progress and renaissance and they know that peace is the only way to achieve progress and economic.


  1. An Introduction to Political Science, DR. Ashraf Singer, page113, 105
  2. www.abc.net
  3. www.researchgate.net
  4. www.lowyintitute.org
  5. www.foreignaffairs.com

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Can China Rise Peacefully?. (2022, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/can-china-rise-peacefully/



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