Annabel Lee and The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe

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Annabel Lee and The Raven are two of Poe’s most famous poems. Edgar Allan Poe was a poem/story writer, editor, and a literary critic. His poems and stories have left readers thinking about what each phrase or sentence means or represents. Poe is the most famous romance writer in American Literature. Poe’s stories and poems have influenced readers all around the world.

Annabel Lee is a poem that Poe wrote about the death of his wife, Virginia Clem. This poem is six stanzas long. In the poem, it talks about the strength of their love; it was so strong that even the angels in heaven above envied it. The setting of this poem is a fictional kingdom by the sea. This poem uses a rhyme of the long “e” sound such as lee, see, or me. The imagery is light and dark, he goes from a happy kingdom by sea to chilling and killing his Annabel Lee. But for the most part, the poem is happy and upbeat about his eternal love for Annabel Lee/Virginia. The main conflict is the narrator vs the angles.

The Raven is a deep, dark, mysterious poem about his lost love, Lenore or some say that Lenore represents his deceased wife, Virginia Clem. The black dark raven symbolizes the never-ending remembrance of Lenore. The poem is 18 stanzas long. In the poem, it talks about how he will never hold, see, or talk to his Lenore ever again. The setting is in the narrator’s home on a chilly December evening. The poem uses the word choice of the long “OR” sound such as Lenore, floor or the most famous phrase in this poem, nevermore. The imagery is dark and angry in the poem he goes through all five stages of grief. The main conflict is the narrator vs grief.

Edgar Allan Poe went through things in his life that no one should, he lost almost all his family to tuberculosis. His foster mother who loved him dearly died and his foster dad was an alcoholic and hated Poe. Despite all of these horrible experiences he still was successful in many things, such as writing, sports, and drawing. He was so talented that Annabel Lee, The Raven and many more that he wrote are still being taught in schools today. Which shows that it does not matter where you come from, you decide how your life is going to turn out.

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Annabel Lee and The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. (2021, Feb 28). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/annabel-lee-and-the-raven-by-edgar-allan-poe/



How does the speaker in Annabel Lee differ from The Raven?
The speaker in Annabel Lee is more romantic and mournful, while the speaker in The Raven is more tormented and despairing. Additionally, the tone in Annabel Lee is more peaceful and serene, while The Raven is more ominous and foreboding.
How is Annabel Lee and The Raven similar?
The two poems are similar in that they are both about the death of a loved one.
What is the meaning behind Annabel Lee?
The poem is about the death of a beautiful young woman, Annabel Lee, and the speaker's never-ending love for her.
What is the message of the poem Annabel Lee by Edgar Allan Poe?
Like many of Poe's poems, it explores the theme of the death of a beautiful woman . The narrator, who fell in love with Annabel Lee when they were young, has a love for her so strong that even angels are envious. He retains his love for her even after her death.
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