An Analysis of the Colombian Exchange and the Principles of Food in Colombia

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The Colombian exchange took place of the Americas. The Old World consisted of the of the Eastern Hemisphere and forth between the two regions and growth was rapid and impactful. During the late fifteenth century, the Colombian exchange began to shape the world in the America and Europe. These into ages of great growth and prosperity that still is felt today. The ideas that were developed during the Colombian exchange were transferred from the old world to the new world and

Food was also a big part of the Colombian exchange as previously unknown crops were discovered by the Old World inhabitants. These crops were one of the reasons that the European region was able to flourish so much.

Besides disease and food, people also migrated back and forth between the Old and New Worlds. In 300 years, over twelve million Africans were shipped to the Americas during dwindled their slave population. The slaves that were forced to migrate were very poorly treated and lived on plantations for their entire sign over what little rights that they had earned and make them live in servitude yet again.

The Colombian exchange that developed the resulted in the transfer of disease, food, and people left its mark on the world Europe and the Americas together to forge a relationship that has stood test of time. and not have the technology that it relies on today.

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An Analysis of the Colombian Exchange and the Principles of Food in Colombia. (2023, Jan 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/an-analysis-of-the-colombian-exchange-and-the-principles-of-food-in-colombia/

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