American and Haitian Revolutions

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The goal and results of the American and Haitian Revolution were different in the accounts for their outcomes. The American Revolution was focused for getting their freedom from Britain. The obstacles the Americans had to face was dealing with all the different Acts Britain keep putting in their way to stay in charge. However, with the Declaration of Independence they were successfully about to gain freedom. The Haitian Revolution started with the slaves rebelling which brought an end to slavery throughout Haiti.

During the American Revolution a lot of Acts were passed so Britain could continue to rule over America. In 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act which placed taxes on newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards. The Stamp Act made a lot of Americans upset because they were forced to pay taxes on all written documents. Then in 1773 disputes about taxes came up again this time under the Tea Act. This would allow the East India Company to gain a monopoly of profit on the tea trade. Once again frustrating the Americans. Then in 1774 the Coercive Acts of 1774 had a series of harsh measures.

The Coercive Acts were put in place after a protest that broke out in Boston following the Tea Act. Boston men dressed up as Native Americans boarded the ships that belonged to the East India Company and threw tea from the ships into the harbor. Tired of all these acts and punishments the Americans were receiving so a conference was held in September 1774. The conference held in Philadelphia was called the First Continental Congress. The First Continental Congress was trying to come up with a compromise to make with The British Parliament.

However, in April 1775 The British Parliament rejected the compromise that the First Continental Congress was trying to propose which caused fighting to break out between colonial and British troops. Then once again on July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. This document proclaimed the right of mankind and sovereignty of the states. This effect would universalize right of all mankind. “Between 1778 and 1780 the French, Dutch, and Spanish sided with the colonists against Britain (Pg 633).”

Then in 1783 under the Treaty of Paris Britain recognizes the independence that the thirteen colonies have. Summer of 1787 “the delegates to the Constitutional Convention were determined to end the period of economic depression, social uncertainty, and leadership under a weak central government that had followed independence.” That is when the U.S. Constitution is signed. More importantly the first ten amendments to the Constitution are the Bill of Rights.

In the 1760’s “colonial administrators begin rescinding the rights of the free people of color (pg 646.)” In July of 1790 a man by the name of Vincent Oge from Paris was determined to win rights for his people. He raised an army that would send letter to the Provincial Assembly of Saint Dominque. However, he leads a rebellion that failed at gaining rights for free people of color. Oge was later killed by colonial officials. In August 1791 slaves took thinks in their own hands and begin to revolt. These slaves would hold meetings at night to plan. The first revolts started on August 22 at a few plantations.

On April 4,1792 war with the European states loomed and the National Assembly issued full citizenships rights to free men of African descent. The Nationally Assembly really hoped that by taking this measure they would win their political loyalty and their aid in defeating the slave rebellion. “February 4, 1794 the National Convention ratifies the abolition of slavery and extends it to all French territories (Pg 646).” 1804 Haiti became the only nation in history to get its freedom through slave revolt. They were able to do this after defeating French forces declares the independence of Saint Dominque and Haiti.

The different outcomes between the American Revolution and the Haitian Revolution is that the Haitian revolution started with a slave rebellion. The Haitian Revolution is so significant because it was what brought an end to slavery throughout Haiti. The outcome for the American Revolution is that the Treaty of Paris which was signed by the British and United States is what ended the American Revolution. Lastly it was recognized all the thirteen colonies independence.

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American and Haitian Revolutions. (2022, Mar 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/american-and-haitian-revolutions/

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