A Reflection on the Spiritual Messages in The Journey of the Magi, a Poem by T. S. Elliot

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The journey of the magi has spiritual messages that are direct reflection of today’s confliction with the validation of religious systems. From the research I have done I see where I have confused the messages of the poem. [will discuss the meaning on a deeper level as I continue to touch on the spiritual messages of the poem. Elliot takes a rather original approach in telling a story of three wise men who take a spiritual journey. They are looking for the birth place of Jesus Christ. Elliot tells the story through a recollection told by a magus who accompanied two magi. This magus reminisces on the spiritual satisfaction he felt at the sight of the birthplace of Jesus Reading the poem at first glance I didn’t realize that was the message at the end of the poem that he did receive spiritual satisfaction.

In stanza three he discusses what seems like a feeling of disgust once he and his companions return home from their journey, An article written by Julia Powers‘s states “through the Magi, however, who return to live among an “alien people clutching their gods,“ Eliot argues that humans have the agency to Move toward and away from Christ, to set down and pick up spirituality.” Now understanding what Elliot was saying in explaining the long journey of the men fighting temptations of their old lives; between them wanting their silken women and drinks and trying to stray away from those things and walk honestly in their faith. This alone represents many lives right now.

I once compared my spiritual journey to the magi’sr I still very much can relate. Even though here it suggests that people who set down and pick up spirituality are those who move toward and away from Christ, Well this springs my question and therefore opens the door controversy; what does this mean for people who are not religious? Speaking from my own experience I can say that this statement is not valid, I am not religious, although I used to be I can understand this way of thinking and I can also say that it is a one track minded way of viewing spirituality. 1 have been on a spiritual journey for the past two years now. I have learned so many things about the world and the things and people around me since embarking on this wonderful journey.

I have seen that I do not have to belong to any particular religion to be spiritual and have a spiritual relationship with the source in which we were created by Just like in stanza two the magus recollects the sight of the birthplace of Jesus.  He says “but there was no information and so we continued and arriving at evening not a moment too soon finding the place, it was (you may say) satisfactory” Even though there were no signs to help them get to their desired destination, no arrows pointing in any direction, Only relying on their faith to lead them in the right direction. This can be said about anything we strive for in life In The Alchemist, Paulo, a Brazilian author Basically says to some extent we are in control and the things we think we can make manifest of, what am I trying to say?

One might ask. Well I am saying that when we put our belief into something we are exerting energy towards that belief. What makes that thought concrete? “Energy is alive and influences the soul of the earth and the people on it.” Saying that the influence of these thoughts and emotions bring these ideas to life. Without complete evidence that such a man, Jesus Christ, ever existed those who do believe relying on their faith. Giving life to this idea of a man. Why do I say Idea? There is no hard evidence besides that bible that can prove his existence. Only the faith of the people keep the idea of him alive, thus creating energy around his name bringing him to life I guess that would mean that I too have given life to my own thoughts and believes regarding spirituality. One could say so, I wouldn’t be able to deny that fact.

The conflict of religion vs. spirituality is what I am getting towards. I think that this poem raises questions for those who are either questioning their faith, as I once did when I was a Christian. Or those who are not Christian that like myself is a spiritual being that sees no face or knows no name when it comes to being connected to the creator. Referring back to the statement made by Powers when she says that Elliot was conveying a message that humans tend to move toward and away from Christ, picking up and setting down spirituality. This statement is one of the reasons there is such a controversy taking place on the subject of religion and spirituality, An article titled “Religion VSI Spirituality: What‘s the Difference?” stated that; “Religion is an institution established by man for various reasons.

Exert control, instill morality, stroke Egos. Organized, structured religions all but remove god from the equation You confess your sins to a clergy member, go to elaborate churches to worship, told what to pray and when to pray it All those factors remove you from god.” It then went to say that “True spirituality is something that is found deep within oneself, It is your way of loving, accepting and relating to the world and people around you It cannot be found in a church or by believing in a certain way.” Although the statement is quite blunt I can definitely agree, Coming from a Christian background I definitely felt as if I was being controlled and at the time I couldn‘t understand why I felt that way, I could only convey what I felt.

I would say it was fear that loomed over me to call myself a Christian. The men who judged their people after visiting the birthplace of Jesus failed to realize that they once were the same, Living an unlikely life is quite relevant nowadays and I don’t think religion has anything to do with being religious. However, it lies with knowing thyself and understanding the worth of oneself and realizing how we should live and how we shouldn’t This all lies with in how in tune we are with our spirituality and ourselves.

To conclude the Journey of the magi is a poem about a spiritual journey that seems to be told from someone who views spirituality as only being connected to a religion. Regardless of those views, the point that was being made was that these men sleeked spiritual satisfaction and they set out to do so. Same as my own choice to do so 2 years ago and others who face their own journey can relate to this poem. How it is perceived is up to that person and their own spiritual beliefs.

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A Reflection on the Spiritual Messages in The Journey of the Magi, a Poem by T. S. Elliot. (2023, Jun 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-reflection-on-the-spiritual-messages-in-the-journey-of-the-magi-a-poem-by-t-s-elliot/

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