10 Ways To Avoid Drunk Driving Research Paper

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While driving home last night, I was listening to Connecticut Radio 104.1, per usual. The radio personality said that on Saint Patrick’s Day, incidents of the drunk driving spike 50%, especially because this year, Saint Patrick’s Day fell on a Friday. He encouraged listeners not to drink and drive, because not only do you endanger yourself when you do so, you endanger everyone else, including him, his children, family, and friends.

We’ve all heard the slogans: drive sober or get pulled over, don’t be a statistic, buzzed driving is drunk driving, etc. The best one I’ve heard, though, is friends don’t let friends drive drunk. Every 53 minutes, someone dies from a drunk driving accident. Not only could that be you, but it could also be one of your loved ones.

Use these tips to avoid drunk driving at all costs.

1. Purchase your alcohol while sober. If you are already drinking when you decide you didn’t buy enough alcohol for the night, you may feel tempted to get in your car and drive to the liquor store. Don’t do it. Buy your alcohol during the day completely sober, and once you’ve bought it, you’re not going back again that day.

2. Download Uber. Set up an Uber account on your phone before a night of drinking. Download the app from the app store, and provide your credit card information so that if you need to request an Uber ride, you will be all set to go. If you don’t want to use Uber, look up local taxi services and save some of their phone numbers to your contacts.

3. Assign a designated driver. Appoint someone trustworthy and responsible in your group of friends to be the designated driver (DD). Either use a straw poll to determine the driver, or use the volunteer system, so that everyone gets a turn being the DD. If no one steps up to be the DD, be the responsible one and do it yourself. You’d rather miss out on a night of drinking than see one of your friends get seriously injured or die.

4. Stay where you are. If possible, stay the night where you are to avoid drunk driving. If at a friend’s house for a party, you can always try to sleep there for the night, or, if at a bar, walk with friends to a nearby motel for the night.

5. Call someone you trust. If you get into a situation where you or someone who plans on driving is intoxicated, call a trusted friend or family member to come to pick you up.

6. Use public transportation. If the DD has a drink, or you feel an Uber ride would be too expensive, take public transportation, like a city bus or train. This will get you home safely, and cheaply. Use the buddy system to stay safe in the process.

7. Purchase your alcohol while sober. If you are already drinking when you decide you didn’t buy enough alcohol for the night, you may feel tempted to get in your car and drive to the liquor store. Don’t do it. Buy your alcohol during the day completely sober, and once you’ve bought it, you’re not going back again that day.

Cite this paper

10 Ways To Avoid Drunk Driving Research Paper. (2020, Sep 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/10-ways-to-avoid-drunk-driving/



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