Why Americans are Obsessed with Superheroes

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Do you like superheroes? They were going to fight to see who will be the king of Wakanda. Then black panther was drinking panther blood and then they were going, to start the fight. Next, they were fighting and black panther drop someone and then the other person drop him. Then black panther was holding him with his feet and he could, have drop him in the water but then the other person tapped out so black panther won so he was the king of Wakanda. That’s why superheroes are awesome. Then he battled with someone else and black panther stabbed him and then the other person was stabbing him and then he drop black panther in the water and everyone was worried. Now black panther is not the king anymore, now it is kill monger. Next, black panther still does the right thing.

Americans are obsessed with superheroes because they are great characters and they have strength. According to the YouTube video superhero:why we love them like black panther was great with the problem with the black woman but he didn’t care. For example, Superman had strength in the video when someone was hitting him but Superman just hit him back so that is called strength. Also, they are great characters because they save the world and they don’t need to but they do that’s why the are great characters. That’s why Americans are obsessed with superheroes.

Another reason that Americans are obsessed with superheroes because they are brave and they have cool power. According to they slide show. For example, like the superheroes do something and other people don’t and they don’t need powers, the superheroes are brave. Next, they are brave also, because they are not scare to do something and not scare to fight criminals. Next, they are cool because Americans like superheroes because they have powers that why they also like superheroes. Also, that’s why Americans are obsessed with superheroes.

This is why me as a American I am obsessed with black panther and because he is strong and he protects his country. According to my black panther map it said these reasons. For example, he can close his hands together and then they can fly far. Then when his country needs help he always goes and he does the right thing, he is respectful, funny, his suit is also cool and it has a purple thing in his suit and his suit also has protect. He also is fast like a panther and jumps high that’s why I like black panther. That’s why me as an American I am obsessed with superheroes.

The next reason that Americans are obsessed with superheroes is because they are intelligent men and Womens. According to the wed source called why Americans love superheroes. They are intelligent because they know where awful people are going. Then they can go because they might kill cities or countries and then people will also die. Next, there would be no one who will save the places, the people or cities, countries and there would be no one but awful people will just be alive and there will be no world or nothing.

One more reason why Americans are obsessed with superheroes is because they have power. According to the picture it said these reasons. Next, they like superheroes because Americans only like their power because they don’t have some and other people don’t have power and they only have power to capture other people. That’s why Americans are obsessed with superheroes, because they have power that’s why they like superheroes.

This is why Americans are obsessed with superheroes, because they are great characters, strength, they are brave and save the world, they are intelligent, they have power. We like superheroes like black panther because they do the right thing. These are the reasons why Americans are obsessed with superheroes.


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Why Americans are Obsessed with Superheroes. (2021, Oct 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-americans-are-obsessed-with-superheroes/

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