Value of Friendship in Book ‘The Pact…’ Summary

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“Friendship can lift you up, strengthen and empower you, or break you down, weaken and defeat you” says Samphson Davis one of the three doctors who made a pact. ( Change the Hook Sentence) “The Pact: Three Young Men Make a Promise and Fulfill a Dream” book is an autobiography/ biography written by Dr. Rameck Hunt, Dr. Sampson Davis, Dr. George Jenkins and Liza Frazier. I think this book was chosen because it is very inspirational. This book shows that anyone can accomplish their goals no matter where their from or what situation they’re in. This story is an empowering narrative that talks about the struggles of three boys and their loyalty to one another.

This story starts with three young boys, George, Sam, and Rameck each with different situations and families. The book takes place in Newark during the late 1900’s around the time that crime and violence levels were on the uprise. The homes as George describes it were “graffiti-covered, thirteen-story high-rise elevators that smelled like urine”. The dangers streets of Newark were hard to live in especially during these times. Sam says that “Even then the projects had a reputation for regular stabbings, muggings, and shootings but the1980s, the decade where I came of age would usher in a level of crime and violence that would make it hard for me to imagine surviving to the age of twenty-five”.

Each character in the story are different from one another in their own unique way. The three main characters in this book are George, Sam, and Rameck. They are each Age years old and are all boys when this book starts. Although each of them had completely different personalities and traits. Shorten George Down George was one of the three who didn’t like getting into things that weren’t good for him. He had friends younger than him and was cool with everybody. He was adaptable and good-natured. George says that he “chose- positive guys who wanted to do the right thing-”. Rameck was popular, a prankster, a hothead and a little stubborn but also a giving and good person. George says “Rameck was always the most skeptical, so, as expected he was reluctant to commit.”. Dissimilar to Rameck and George, Sam was also distinctive. Sam was (Descriptive words about Sam + Closing)
He tried hard to fit in even when he was in school while others weren’t and asked his friends about college but was dolefully made fun of. He and Rameck both got into trouble because of their actions.

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Value of Friendship in Book ‘The Pact…’ Summary. (2020, Sep 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/value-of-friendship-in-book-the-pact/

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