Superheroes Movies “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Captain America: Civil War”

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The directors I chose are The Russo Brothers. They direct most of their work together and sometimes work as screenwriters, producers, actors, and editors. They have directed movies like Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and most recently, Avengers: Infinity War. They both work well together and have been for over 20 years. They share a similar approach to directing with one difference – Joe is a trained actor with an MFA in performing arts. With that background, it most likely is a major help while working with different actors. Their approach is to give the actors space to focus purely on the scene at hand without getting derailed by overthinking.

The movies I watched were Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Captain America: Civil War. I noticed similarities such as humor, for example, in The Winter Soldier when Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) is running significantly faster than Sam (Anthony Mackie) and says, “On your left,” every time he passes him. There were also similarities in the dramatic moments. In the Winter Soldier when the Winter Soldier’s mask gets removed and you find out that Bucky was alive this whole time, suspenseful music plays as Steve says “Bucky?” and the camera zooms in on Sebastian Stan as he says, “Who the hell is Bucky?” Similar, in Civil War, when Tony Stark watches a video of Bucky Barnes, the Winter Soldier, crashing his parent’s car and shooting them both, the suspenseful music plays again, and the camera zooms in on all their faces for their reactions. The brothers like to zoom in on faces for the reactions and it’s almost as if the characters are talking to you. If there is one thing I have learned after this, it’s that The Russo Brothers really know keep their audience on their toes.

While watching Civil War, I noticed that the movie leaves political questions. The movie is roughly based on the political aspects of our times. The film pits two friends against each other: Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. Their spilt causes a divide between the Avengers. The political terror ties the story into real-life issues. In contrast, an inspiration in the Winter Soldier was from the 1970s such as Three Days of the Condor. The focus was on more practical events. This movie was not as political as Civil War seemed. It’s focus was that of trying to find and stop the Winter Soldier and then later, to save Bucky.

The intended audiences for these movies are primarily young-adults. The movies do not have any major graphics to the point where your ten-year-old couldn’t watch. The brothers left a window of imagination for all ages. I would say, people who are into combat and people who love superheroes. Civil War would be a great one to watch if you love superheroes because a lot of them come together and fight. These movies are good for young-adults because if you are a kid, you might not be able to catch onto things and it can be hard to follow along. Though I do think that a kid could either get really into it and know everything or just not be really interested.

While watching these movies, I was kept on my toes. Lots of suspense. I felt I always knew what was happening, I didn’t get lost, until there was a plot twist of course. For example, in the Winter Soldier, I felt confused as to how Bucky could’ve survived the fall off the cliff in the first movie and I was shocked to see that it was him under the mask. In Civil War I started to fall into place, and I felt remorse for Bucky because he was being forced to hurt people and he was getting brainwashed to forget all about his past.

After watching both movies, I noticed similarities in humor and suspense. There were also differences in the political aims. I think the Russo’s work so well is because they always have each other to lean on. They collaborate heavily with the actors and give them the space needed for the best performance. The Russo’s know that the characters should be respected but also changed to appeal to the audience.

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Superheroes Movies “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” and “Captain America: Civil War”. (2021, Oct 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/superheroes-movies-captain-america-the-winter-soldier-and-captain-america-civil-war/

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