The 1950s was a progressive era for the white man, yet for African Americas, Mexicans, and many others it was the beginning of the civil rights movement which would shape what freedom means today. Many events took place prior to the Montgomery bus boycott, which is thought to be the beginning of the civil rights movement, that would begin the idea of equal rights for all. Voices such as Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks struck a chord in many which ultimately led to the first civil rights law being passed in 1957. This period of time is known as the Golden Age when the middle class prospered, but some of the lower class fought for equality and equal rights.
One of the main focuses of the civil rights movement was the desegregation of schools because kids growing up being segregated could give them a sense of inferiority to their white classmates. Brown V. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954 allowed the overturn of the doctrine “separate but equal” and deeming segregated schools illegal. It was made evident that segregated schools would not give the same level of education or provide equal opportunities to their African American students. This was the denial of the 14th amendment to the African American community and as a result Brown v. The Board of education brought about freedom for these people.
Other events took place which pushed the civil rights movement to the extent it reached in the late 1950s, such as Rosa Parks and the Montgomery bus boycott. Every day it was a routine for a bus to overcrowd the back seats with colored people and leave the front seats vacant. They could also avoid picking up colored people if they thought the back of the bus was too crowded, leaving many waiting for the next available bus, and even then, that bus might refuse to pick them up as well. The form in which people of color were constantly put after white people showed the obvious discrimination by these bus companies. Then there is the well-known story of Rosa Parks, who refused to leave her seat on the bus for a white man starting a protest that would last an entire year. Before this Rosa Parks describes her experience at her job and the discrimination she faced every day. Parks described every drinking fountain to be labeled for either whites or blacks as well as describing the way she lived as “A solid pattern of life rather than segregation.”
One day on her way home from work, Parks was asked to give up her seat to a white man and refused. This began a bus boycott that lasted an entire year and was led by Martin Luther King Jr. and was a success because thereafter busses became integrated. Rosa Parks was not the first person to defy giving another person their seat, many other people also believed busses should be an equally shared space, yet the Rosa Parks situation had a large effect on the civil rights movement. Civil rights began long before the Montgomery bus boycott, and the effects it had would bring equal rights to all Americans.
The Civil rights movement was led by people of color who denied the American apartheid system commonly known as Jim Crow. Another big part of the Civil Rights movement is the help of black ministers. They voiced what they believe in and brought many people together to fight for the struggle. These ministers were also impacted and brought up by black churches ultimately bringing many together to fight for the same cause. There were many different movements that fought for civil rights, and the most impactful was led by churches all over the United states. Churches had impacted ministers in emphasizing equality and care for others. These churches kept their own by learning to handle money as well as public speaking and providing help for the less fortunate. Churches focused on helping those who were oppressed. Fannie Lou Hamer for example came from a very religious background, she would soon come to speak for others and voiced her questions on the nations promise of democracy. She would also express her thoughts on the cooperative spirit of black religious institutes, becoming and inspirational voice for many. The impact churches had on the Civil Rights movement is not widely known, but many well-known public speakers came from these churches and impacted The United States strongly.
The beginning of the Civil Rights movement brought about people from all of the United States and began with efforts as early as the ending of the war. In the early 1930s the Don’t Buy Where You Can’t Work movement brought many black people to protest discrimination on employment which discriminated hiring black people opposed to white people. Employment shortages also brought may African American people to come together and protest around the time after world war 2. This is also when attacks on Jim crow became more common and the decade after the war would be known as “Racial Liberalism.” The American Council of Race Relations was founded in 1944 and its purpose was to study racial issues as well as assist communities in racial cooperation. This institute would come to have the support of many popular figures, such as Marshal Field, Walter White, and many others. The efforts brought by the institution were supported by president Truman’s committee on Civil Rights. Which focused on bringing attention to the failed democracy in the United States due to the discrimination faced by many people of color in the United States. The people of color in the unites states faced many hardships as well as discrimination by their fellow citizens. The Latino community came together in the Civil Rights movement as well.
Mexican Americans unfortunately were excluded from the Brown v. Board of Education outcome, and as a result the Hernandez v. Texas case that took place two weeks later was the way in which Mexican Americans achieved constitutional protection as well. It was argued that Mexicans were considered white, yet certain circumstances presented otherwise. For example, the community norm for minorities such as African Americans were similar to the of Mexican Americans, rather than white communities. The Hernandez v. Texas case was successful in bringing equality to Hispanics.
The civil rights movement was a large part of American society in the late 1950s and early 1960s as well as a big part in equal rights for minorities. The movement started as early as the 1930s with many protests by people of color who believed in equality. These efforts would span into the mid 20th century. Eventually these communities were successful and as a result the Civil Rights Law of 1957 was put into place. Children of color would no longer be subject to separation from white students and would be granted the same education. Public speakers like Martin Luther King Jr. helped bring many others together to fight for equality, and even led the Montgomery us boycott. Mexican Americans were also helped during this time in terms of equality, and even participated in the movement. Many different situations helped the Civil Rights movement take off, and the results were the changes the United States needed to advance as a country.
Story Of Rosa Parks
- Updated February 18, 2022
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Story Of Rosa Parks. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from