Ray Bradbury and William Wordsworth

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Ray Bradbury the author of Fahrenheit 451, cautioned us of the results of blindly conforming to mass media and how you can miss nature around you. William Wordsworth, a poet of the Romantic era, focussed on how people should favor nature over the artificial. Bradbury and Wordsworth both had similar views on what was important in life. In the poems Wordsworth wrote about nature and the experiences several characters had in Fahrenheit 451, both authors would advise us not to get distracted by trivial things and instead focus on the world around us.

Wordsworth explored the idea of nature through many of his poems and how we do not take the time to notice it. “The World is Too Much With Us” expresses this central idea of Wordsworth. Wordsworth describes the beauty of nature in this poem through personification. It shows us how people are too fed up with the artificial and man made products. He displays his belief of how people should look around, go outside and take time to look at the natural that surrounds us that we do not realize. In Wordsworth “The Daffodils” ( I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud), this poem has a message of using your imagination and how it can bring happiness. The poem starts off in a setting of a field of golden daffodils.

The daffodils are compared to the milky way galaxy which describes how they are very sparkly, shiny, and beautiful. In the last stanza it shifts to the character lying on his couch reflecting on and imagining these daffodils. Wordsworth writes “ For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.” Wordsworth shows that enjoyment can be found through your imagination and you do not need to be focused on manufactured goods. A third poem he wrote is titled “I Travelled among Unknown Men”. This poem was the third poem of a series of he wrote which referenced a girl named Lucy who passes away in his writings. This poem explains how Wordsworth was away from his home of England and missed it very deeply. It was not until Wordsworth was away from his home that he realized how great it is and all the pleasant parts of it. Lucy made hime love England even more than before. Wordsworth would advise to admire your home more because it might not be until later or too late when you finally realize the amazing parts of it.

Topic sentence here. Bradbury used imagery of nature through the character Clarisse. Clarisse loves nature unlike most people in their society. Clarisse shows her love of Nature when she says, “ The rain feels good. I love to walk in it… Rain even tastes good” (19). Clarisse’s love of nature is the essential force that makes Montag realize the greatness of it. I feel that Clarisse is a mouthpiece for Bradbury trying to get his message across of how the beauty of nature can allow you to find true happiness. Throughout the book nature expressed through different animals. I the beginning of the book the burning pages of the books are compared to birds trying to fly away. The device that is used to try to save Mildred from her suicide attempt is referred to as a snake by Montag. The salamander and the phoenix are symbols of the firemen and the mechanical hound is recurring throughout the novel. The only time in which imagery of animals is positive is when Montag runs into a deer after his escape into the river from the city. He at first though it was the mechanical hound but realizes he is wrong. The deer is an expression of the peacfulness and beauty of nature.


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Ray Bradbury and William Wordsworth. (2020, Sep 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ray-bradbury-and-william-wordsworth/



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