Maya Angelou and her ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’

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Maya Angelou was a phenomenal woman who is very admired by many, she was an author, a poet, an actress, a director, and a civil rights activist. However, not many people are aware of the significance, and the contributions this woman made not only to the African-American community, but to literature. Maya was born as Marguerite Johnson in Saint Louis Missouri, on April 4 1928, to Bailey and Vivian Johnson.

She grew up in St. Louis and for a brief time lived in Stamps Arkansas where Maya and her brother lived with her grandmother during the separation of her parents in the year 1931. When things finally settled down Maya and her brother returned to the custody of her mother in 1935, but this good time was rudely interrupted in 1937 when Maya was raped by her mother’s boyfriend who was later murdered by Maya’s uncle, traumatized by the events Maya became a virtual mute for almost 4 years.

In 1955, Angelou became the paperback Nonfiction bestseller for 2 years, the longest running record. Her work included 3 books of essays several poems but one of her greatest novels is I know why the caged bird sings, which was the first of seven of her autobiographies, a story of how her love for literature really helped her to overcome racism and traumatic experiences. The book begins when her and her older brother are sent to Stamps, Arkansas, to live with their grandmother after her parents got a divorce in 1931. They went back to the custody of their mother after things settled down in 1935.

However, this moment of happiness didn’t last long, because Maya was sexually abused by her mother’s boyfriend. Her uncle persuaded her to tell him who had raped her and after her abuser was killed, Maya believed it was due to her confessing, and refused to talk to anyone except her brother for four years, and ended after Maya gets pregnant at 16 years old in 1944 just a few short years before her career really took off especially as an actress.

All her work has been considered to be an absolute work of art, and it has brought light to the lives of African Americans living in the shadow of oppression. However, because many of her books and poems contain such sensitive material, several attempts have been made to ban her books from a few libraries across the United States.

The passing of Maya Angelou although was very unfortunate did not end her contributions or influences towards literature and serving as a remarkable role model towards not only African Americans but to all women in the world.

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Maya Angelou and her ‘I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings’. (2021, Apr 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/maya-angelou-and-her-i-know-why-the-caged-bird-sings/

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