Life without Internet Analytical Essay

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In this century every one use internet and no one can imagine their life without internet because internet provide lots of knowledge and information related to different activities for instance, sports, news, entertainment, discovery, and many more. I always spent my time on internet by watching youTube and watch some movies on it. It helps to relief my stress and make me fresh. Without internet I cannot imagine my life.

1 Day: if I do not have internet for one day then I will manage because I can play games and listen music. I can spent my time with my friends and playing some games for instance cricket and volleyball.

1 Week: I cannot expect that I can live without internet for one week because I miss my lots of cricket matches score which I always watch on internet as well as I cannot get a chance to do video call at my home and talk with my family.

1 Month: it is very difficult to spend one month without internet because I play online games in my leisure time and using google for many other purposes as well as I cannot use online banking without internet.

Social Media

Social media makes everyone life busy because people connect with each other and doing messages and call to any one at any time. I daily use these social media in my life. It can get information about celebrities and up to date with the fashion and trend. More over it helps to connect with other people without getting someone mobile number.

No doubt I used all social media platform for instance, instagram, snapchat, facebook, however instragram is my favourite social media site which I use the most because it provide lots of information for instance, movies, fashion, and latest trends. Every thing has pros and cons both, as like social media is also a good as well as bad for the society because it helps to interconnect with each other but there is no privacy in any one life.


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Life without Internet Analytical Essay. (2020, Dec 09). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/life-without-internet/



Can humans live without the internet?
Yes, humans can live without the internet as they have for most of human history. However, modern society has become increasingly reliant on the internet for communication, work, and entertainment.
What would life without the internet?
Without the internet, life would be incredibly difficult. It would be hard to communicate with people, hard to find information, and hard to stay connected with the world.
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