Helen Keller as a Great Person

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The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart – Helen Keller. She knew this better than most since she went deaf and blind at 19 months, she was very successful and had big dreams, because of her teacher she accomplished many of things , she was not a well behaved child until Anne Sullivan her teacher taught her how to be not as disobedient, it came to the point that Helen only listened to Anne her teacher.

Helen’s childhood she was 19 months when she went deaf and blind , her parents didn’t know what to do . They contacted a lot of people to try and help , but couldn’t seem to find anyone. They heard about Anne Sullivan and contacted her, she was a huge impact on Helen’s childhood. She taught Helen a lot like how to read and write , it took a while but Helen eventually did it. She started listening to her mom and dad after Anne helped her for a while . Helen had a big goal to go to Harvard , but they didn’t except women, so she had to go to Radcliffe College.

Anne Sullivan she helped with students / kids like Helen , she knew how to handle them . A lot of them had behavior issues . Helen had a lot of behavior issues once she got older and actually realized she wasn’t like others and couldn’t see. She knew how to teach Helen that it was okay that she was the way she was . After that Helen started to improve her behavior issues.

She had a lot of accomplishments, like she has the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Academy Award for her documentary, 70th Century humanitarian, educator writer, activist, she ran campaigns for blind and deaf rights change.

Helen Keller did a lot in life, she struggled and had to get help , but she never did give up . She always kept going , and trying to achieve big goals and dreams . She eventually accomplished getting awards, going to high school, college, and many more things. She is an inspiration because she just kept going no matter how hard , or how long it took her but she did it, and she even had more stress than that she had to walk around the world deaf and blind. Helen still managed to do it all.

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Helen Keller as a Great Person. (2021, Oct 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/helen-keller-as-a-great-person/

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