Helen Keller against Deaf and Blind Accomplishment Essay

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Have you ever had experience with a person who was both deaf and blind? Helen Keller had to deal with both. She had to do everything with her sense of touch. Read on if you want to know how Helen Keller lived life with her disability. Helen Adam Keller was born on June 27, 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama. Her parents were Kate Adam Keller and Colonel Arthur Keller. As a little kid she was physically normal. But when she was nineteen months old, she lost her eyesight and hearing, it could have been a scarlet fever that caused this.

Helen Keller was both blind and deaf and because of this she could not communicate or interact with other people. Helen would throw huge tantrums and to stop her, her mom would give her a piece of candy. Since Helen couldn’t see or hear she relied on her sense of touch. Her parents were worried for Helen and looked for numerous of doctors but none of the doctors could help. Then when they almost lost hope they met Anne Sullivan. Anne Sullivan was someone would made a big change in Helen’s life. She taught Helen to communicate with sign language. This way Helen could communicate with others. Anne also taught Helen how to communicate in different ways and languages. Everywhere that Helen went Anne would do sign language so that Helen would know what it was. “If you keep showing them, one day they will learn that everything has a meaning.” -Anne Sullivan

When Anne met Helen, Helen had no manners. This was a problem because whenever they ate, Helen would walk around the table and help herself to someone’s plate. One way Anne taught Helen manners was by getting permission from Helen’s parents to be able to be alone with Helen. Anne wanted to be alone with Helen for as long as possible so Helen has to rely on Anne for everything. Helen’s parents gave Anne two weeks because Helen’s parent didn’t want to stay away from Helen for too long. When Helen spent the two weeks with Anne, Helen learned manners. Anne also taught Helen animals and nature in sign language. One thing that made a big impact on Helen’s life was water. It was something that she loved to feel.

When Helen felt the water she never wanted the feeling to end. When Anne taught water to Helen, Helen could understand that water was the thing she was feeling. Then she finally understood that everything had a meaning behind it. One of Helen Keller’s biggest accomplishment was being the first deaf and blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree. In 1903 Helen published her autobiography called,”The Story of my Life.” In 1964 after the fight for freedom, Helen was awarded the,”Presidential Medal of Freedom.”

As you can see, Helen Adam Keller was an amazing person. She was a big help to find a cure and treatments for the blind and deaf. She accomplished so much in her life for someone who couldn’t see or hear. It was Anne Sullivan who made Helen who she is. How would your life be if you were blind and deaf.


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Helen Keller against Deaf and Blind Accomplishment Essay. (2021, Oct 03). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/helen-keller-against-deaf-and-blind/

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