President Essay Examples Page 13

138 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


Thomas Jefferson as the Third President of the United States

Pages 2 (355 words)

American History

Declaration Of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Open Document

Barack Obama and Gay Marriage

Pages 8 (1 997 words)

Barack Obama

Gay Marriage

Open Document

Using of Rherorical Strategies of John Kennedy

Pages 3 (633 words)


John F Kennedy

Rhetorical Strategies

Open Document

President Roosevelt’s Experiences in Cuba During the Spanish American War

Pages 3 (584 words)

Franklin D Roosevelt

Spanish American War

Open Document

Malala, JFK, and Credo about Freedom

Pages 4 (816 words)

John F Kennedy


Malala Yousafzai

Open Document

Multi-Genre Magazine Article Hudson Heaton

Pages 3 (723 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Open Document

Emancipation Proclamation In A Book Presidential Courage By Michael Beschloss

Pages 5 (1 015 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Emancipation Proclamation


Slavery In America

Open Document

Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence

Pages 3 (578 words)

Declaration Of Independence

Thomas Jefferson

Open Document

Which Led to a New Constitution

Pages 2 (467 words)

American Revolution

Articles of Confederation

George Washington

Open Document

The Anniversary That Changed America, Now Largely Forgotten

Pages 9 (2 242 words)

Abraham Lincoln

Emancipation Proclamation


Open Document
1 12 13 14

Check a list of useful topics on President selected by experts

Analytical Essay Topics:

US History: Kennedy and Cuban Missile Crisis

U.S. President Barack Obama

Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency

Thomas Jefferson’s Influence and Contribution

Thomas Jefferson’s Impact on American History

Thomas Jefferson: Man of Many Talents

Immigration Laws

Logos in The Declaration of Independence

Life of Thomas Jefferson

Leadership Traits of Barack Obama

John F. Kennedy as a Founder of Peace Corps

Immigration Reform During Donald Trump’s Presidency

Immigration Policy

Illegal Immigration As a Problem in America

History of The Great Depression

History Of American Revolution

Great Economic Depression

George Washington’s Political View

George Washington’s Letter: The Urgent Need for Congressional Support

George Washington is the Greatest Man in American History

Argumentative Essay Topics:

George Washington – First President of the United States

Donald Trump’s Life Before Presidency

Donald Trump Campaign Speech

Character Assessment: Thomas Jefferson

Brief Biography of Thomas Jefferson

Biographical Data on George Washington

Barack Obama Presidency

Analysis of Barack Obama as a Speaker

American History: George Washington

Abraham Lincoln’s Lyceum Address Analysis

Abraham Lincoln Was the Best President

Abraham Lincoln as the Sixteenth President

Abraham Lincoln – Reconstruction Era

Characteristics Of A Good President

Presidential Election Comparison of Candidates

Qualities Of A Good President

The Presidential Election Process

Growth of Presidential Powers

Bill Clinton Is A Good President

Andrew Jackson is a Good President


President is the leader of the country is perhaps the most impressive job on the planet. This individual can regularly shift the direction of history. Partially, this is on the grounds that the president serves in numerous jobs. He is the top of the public authority and administrator for the head of the military. The president is additionally the head of their political party.

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