Paradise Lost Essay Examples and Research Papers

11 essay samples on this topic

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Is Satan a Hero in Milton’s “Paradise Lost”?

Pages 8 (1 820 words)

Paradise Lost


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“Paradise Lost” by John Milton

Pages 10 (2 254 words)

Paradise Lost


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Hell in Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Dante’s “Inferno”

Pages 4 (880 words)

Paradise Lost


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John Milton and His “Paradise Lost”

Pages 3 (682 words)

Paradise Lost


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John Milton’s “Paradise Lost” Summary

Pages 10 (2 353 words)

Paradise Lost


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Good and Evil in Milton’s Paradise Lost

Pages 2 (453 words)

Paradise Lost


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God and Satan Characters in “Paradise Lost”

Pages 3 (576 words)

Paradise Lost


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“Paradise Lost” Articles Review

Pages 2 (499 words)

Paradise Lost


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Analysis of Books I and II of “Paradise Lost”

Pages 5 (1 095 words)

Paradise Lost


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Eve from Milton’s “Paradise Lost” and Socrates from Plato’s “Apology”

Pages 3 (653 words)

Paradise Lost



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Hero of Paradise Lost

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John Milton – Paradise Lost

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John Milton’s Paradise Lost as an Epic Poetry

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Literature Review of Paradise Lost by John Milton

Milton Paradise Lost Commentary

Milton’s Paradise Lost and The Christianity Motif

Milton’s Satan in Paradise Lost

Most Powerful Enemy in Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost – John Milton’s Complicated Masterpiece

Paradise Lost – Summary Book VII

Paradise Lost – What Do We Learn About Satan’s Character from Line 84 To Line 191?

Paradise Lost and Adam’s response to the Gospel

Paradise Lost and The Pilgrim’s Progress: Comparing Context and Ideology Behind

Paradise Lost by John Milton as Revival of Adam and Eve’s Relationship

Paradise Lost Critical Analasis

Planting the Seeds of Jealously in PARADISE LOST

Pullyz Paradise lost – Adam and Eve

Questioning Satan’s and God’s Legitimacy in Paradise Lost

Satan as Hero in Paradise Lost

Satan as the Hero of Paradise Lost

Satan in paradise lost

Satan: Hero Or Anti-hero in Paradise Lost

Satan’s Personality in Paradise Lost by John Milton

Satan’s Pride in Paradise Lost


John Milton


Epic poetry; Christian mythology

originally published



Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton. The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books with minor revisions throughout.


Poem by John Milton

Text: Paradise Lost at Wikisource

Followed by: Paradise Regained

In Paradise Lost—first published in 10 books in 1667 and then in 12 books in 1674, at a length of almost 11,000 lines—Milton observed but adapted a number of the Classical epic conventions that distinguish works such as Homer’s The Iliad and The Odyssey and Virgil’s The Aeneid.

In the last two books of the poem, Adam receives a history lesson from the angel Michael; at the end of the history lesson, Michael leads Adam down from the mountain on which they have been standing. Adam goes and wakes up Eve, and the two of them exit Paradise, holding hands and shedding a few tears.

The average reader will spend 4 hours and 20 minutes reading this book at 250 WPM (words per minute).

The Importance of Obedience to God The first words of Paradise Lost state that the poem’s main theme will be “Man’s first Disobedience.” Milton narrates the story of Adam and Eve’s disobedience, explains how and why it happens, and places the story within the larger context of Satan’s rebellion and Jesus’ resurrection.

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