Coronavirus Essay Examples

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Essay Examples

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Coronavirus Issues

Pages 5 (1 250 words)



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Impact of Coronavirus on Mental Health of Employees

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High and Low Mortality Rate from the Coronavirus

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Coronavirus and Quarantine

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How Digital Health Technology can Help Manage the Coronavirus Outbreak

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Timeline of Coronavirus Pandemic Start and How to Avoid Infection

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Coronavirus Outbreak Impacts on Airline Industry

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How the Outbreak of Coronavirus Changed Our Lives

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Effect of Coronavirus on Chinese Economy

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Coronavirus Is A New Disease And An Ongoing Situation In The Whole World?


Coronaviruses are a huge family of infections that cause a wide extend of sicknesses. For the most part, they cause a gentle ailment such as the common cold. Coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19) may be a modern respiratory ailment caused any a new sort, or novel, coronavirus already inconspicuous in people.


Where was COVID-19 first discovered?

  • The first death from the coronavirus was recorded in China, on January 7.
  • On January 13, the World health organization reports a case in Thailand, this was the first time outside of China.
  • On January 16 Japan confirms its first case of infection with the novel coronavirus
  • On January 20 South Korea reports its first confirmed case of the new coronavirus
  • On January 21 the US announces its first confirmed coronavirus case- a man in his thirties in Washington State
  • On January 22 the death toll in China jumps to 17 with more than 550 infections
  • On January 22 North Korea closes its borders to all foreign tourists.
  • Many airports begin to step up checks on flights Wuhan Han.
  • On January 23 China pla Wuhanu Han under quarantine. all flights and trains departing from the city are canceled land, and buses, subways, and fairies within the city are also suspended.
  • On January 30 the WHO declared the outbreak a global public health emergency as more than 9000 cases are reported worldwide including in 18 countries beyond China
  • After the research by doctors and scientists, they said this virus spreads from animals to humans, and originated in bats. This virus is also known as coronavirus 2 because it is caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS).
  • On 11 February world health organization announced, that the official name of the new coronavirus disease was covid 19. Simply a shortened version of coronavirus disease 2019.
  • On 26 February 2Zafarafar mirza tweeted he confirm the med first 2 cases of coronavirus in Islamabad, Pakistan. In both cases History of travel to Iran.
  • On 11th March covid-19 was declared a pandemic it’s a global outbreak of a disease. Coronavirus carries a mortality rate of around 3% which is something not to be taken lightly. The number of cases is increasing day by day at a rapid rate. In the whole world total coronavirus cases are more than 7,600,265 from which 4,23,901 people have died and 3,843,996 people recovered.


The most common symptoms of coronavirus disease:

  • Fever
  • Dry cough
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue

 Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath is a very ser symptoms of coronavirus disease. The symptoms of this virus are shown in under 14 days.

Coronavirus is transmitted by face-to-face contact and spread through droplets into the air when a person has a dry cough and sneezing infection. After coughing up an infected person, the virus cannot stay in the air for lonpeoplely old people are fastly affected or those who are up to 47 y/o and have had labors s, heart rate patient. For now, the main treatment for Coronavirus is supportive care, but at present no official treatment is available for covid-19 and only relies on the body’s immune system as a defense. Hand hygiene and good respiratory etiquette are essential actions to prevent infection. 


Several preventive measures to avoid infection

  • wear a face mask if you are sick
  • wash your hands for at least 20 seconds especially after visiting public places
  • maintain social distance, avoid close contact with those who are sick, avoid social gatherings
  • follow steps to protect others by staying at home, if you are sick isolation is recommended for at least 7 days
  • if coronavirus symptoms occur then contact your nearest hospital and take medicine as the doctor advised you such as panadol or aspirin.


Tips to help protect against viruses:

  • Wash your hands:

Yes, this can be still the no. 1 way to avoid coronavirus, Dr. Moorcroft says. ‘The things you ought to do to ensure yourself from the coronavirus are things you ought to do each day,’ he points out. ‘The no. 1 thing you’ll be able to do to avoid any respiratory sickness is too great individual cleanliness.’

  • Stay home:

The CDC, the WHO, governments, and healthcare specialists are all encouraging individuals to remain domestic if they can.  A few individuals do not have the extravagance of working from domestic, and individuals still got to venture out to basic needs stores and gas stations. But once you can remain domestic, do so to straighten the bend.

  • Boost your immune system:

 On the beat of essential ailment avoidance, Moorcroft says the finest (and only genuine) defense against malady could be a solid safe framework. Your body is superior able to battle off sicknesses when your immune system is truly murmuring, he clarifies, and everybody ought to put in an exertion to urge theirs into tip-top shape.

  • Try to stay calm:

In addition to your physical health, you should take care of your mental health. High-stress levels can take a toll on your immune system, which is the opposite of what you want in this situation. If you’re feeling overly anxious about COVID-19, it’s important to protect yourself and others by following the preventive measures  

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