Alice Walker Essay Examples and Research Papers

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Alice Walker’s “Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self” Analytical Essay

Pages 5 (1 196 words)

Alice Walker


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The Temple of My Familiar by Walker Alice

Pages 5 (1 106 words)

Alice Walker




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Alice Walker’s Creative Vision

Pages 3 (570 words)

Alice Walker


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Alice Walker’s Early Years

Pages 3 (508 words)

Alice Walker


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Alice Walker’s Perception of Beauty

Pages 2 (425 words)

Alice Walker


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Check a list of useful topics on Alice Walker selected by experts

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

“The Color Purple” by Alice Walker

“Everyday Use ” Summary by Alice Walker

“Everyday Use” Alice Walker

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker Critical Analysis

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker Review

“Everyday Use” by Alice Walker Sample

“Roselily” by Alice Walker

“The Welcome Table” by Alice Walker

A Feminist View of “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

African American Poets: Alice Walker

Alice Walker

Alice Walker “Everyday Use”

Alice Walker Life and Her Fight for Woman’s Rights

Alice Walker Outling

Alice Walker s everyday use

Analysis of “The Welcome Table” by Alice Walker

Analysis of The Flowers by Alice Walker

Book Review of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Childhood by Alice Walker

Comparing Maggie and Dee in Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Everyday Use an Essay by Alice Walker

Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Everyday Use Summary by Alice Walker

Everyday Use: Short Story by Alice Walker

Experience and Identity: An Analysis of Barn Burning by William Faulkner and Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Growing Up in “The Flowers” by Alice Walker

Identity in Looking For Zora by Alice Walker

Importance of Family in Everyday Use by Alice Walker

Literary Analysis of The Color Purple by Alice Walker

Meridian by Alice Walker

Review of “To Hell with Dying” by Alice Walker

Review of the Book Meridian by Alice Walker

Roselily By Alice Walker

Self-reflection and Maturity in The Transformation of Celie in The Color Purple, a Novel by Alice Walker

Similarities and Differences Between Alice Walker and Tim O’Brien

Symbolism in The Flowers by Alice Walker

Sympathetic Characters in The Red Convertible by Love Medicine and Everyday Use by Alice Walker

The Color Purple by Alice Walker


February 9, 1944 (age 78 years), Eatonton, GA


Alice Malsenior Tallulah-Kate Walker is an American novelist, short story writer, poet, and social activist. In 1982, she became the first African-American woman to win the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, which she was awarded for her novel The Color Purple.


Sarah Lawrence College (1965), Spelman College


American novelist

Spouse: Melvyn R. Leventhal (m. 1967–1976)

Partner: Tracy Chapman, Robert L. Allen

Awards: Guggenheim Fellowship for Creative Arts, US & Canada

Parents: Willie Lee Walker, Minnie Lou Tallulah Grant

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